Well, I didn’t think HS was trash, heh, or at least not as trashy as other media. But yes, exactly, if something entertains us, what’s the problem? I tend to seek out lighter media myself even in times of not-pandemic, but for sure, nowadays…let’s just get through the day.
Don’t you think that the plot of happiest season is very similar to merry happy whatever from last year, only gay? I mean, I’m sure it’s very similar to many Christmas movies but I spent a while thinking why it felt so familiar and I remembered this show. Every sibling with their secret and the guy wanting to propose on Christmas morning and all that. And his gf also messed up to the point he left.
Oh, that’s true, it is! And you know, that’s a great point?? I didn’t even think of that, but yes, this is a whole GENRE of holiday media where people act horribly under stress and then make up at the end, and it’s always unrealistic and unearned but you’re okay with it because you know away from this stretch of holidays, they’re fine, and will be fine after. But yeah, heh, it’s funny how similar it is, just…without any gay drama for the mains.
I caught up with Station 19 and I feel like Carina should work on the PRT. Having her go back and forth on Greys Anatomy is fine too but if she’s only on Station 19 when it’s time to be Maya’s girlfriend idk. I know the season just came back and they might have a plan for Carina but I have never watched Greys other than the episodes were they mesh and I don’t want to, lol. I just want them to give Carina things to do on Station 19 that aren’t Maya related!
For sure, for sure, it would suck on both a character and ship level if she was always and only defined by Maya.
I think we floated the idea that she worked on the PRT when we got the news she was a regular but it always seemed odd for an obgyn. The other thing we joked about was that they just have baby related emergencies on S19 every week and while there is one coming up I don’t think they really can do that…
I’m not sure what we’ll get aside from that, Maya and Carina at home every ep can’t be enough to justify regular status, right? I remember we also suggested that they may have just wanted to get her on contract to be available to both shows, that Grey’s might have had other actors it wanted to sign on for the season so S19 took Stefania, but she might still end up more on Grey’s? In the first Grey’s eps there was a lot of her but that was actually mostly last season’s footage in flashback form so……I guess we’ll see.
You will probably get this too late but do you have a link for Warrior tonight?
Sorry, no, I’ve never streamed Cinemax.
I’m sure you’re getting bombarded with Happiest Season anons lol but I just wanted to say that the relationship between Abby and Reilly was wonderful. It felt like a safe space for Abby, especially that night at the gay bar. The contrast between that bar and the other one with Harper was night and day. I loved that transition.
Heh, I hadn’t gotten many HS-related asks at all when you sent this.
But yes, I thought it was great, and something where you really have to be aware of the queerness of the characters, that this role for Abby was filled by another wlw. And for sure, those two scenes provided a very effective deliberate contrast between where those two were and where Harper was.
Have you watched A New York Christmas Wedding? It’s a f/f movie with an Afro Latinx lead and a happy ending I loved it personally
Have you heard of a New York Christmas Wedding?
I have, I have, but I read a bunch of reviews before watching because the premise made it seem like it could go either way and then it was kind uh…darker than I expected, in that original timeline. I have heard nice things about how it actually turned out, so I’ll watch it at some point, but I’m gone pretty off f/f movies at the moment. 😡
I only know about S19 from your edits, so I’m sure I’m missing parts, but how do you feel about the whole maya sleeping with another person thing? Doesn’t seem like it was resolved and now they’re moving in. But I guess nothings normal in covid times
Well, I hated it, and tbh, that kind of changed how I engaged with the ship. It was a huge reminder to put this into the “enjoy the good things while you can” pile instead of something to get invested in on a emotional level. There will be episodes where it’s going to be cute and consistent and then others where it’ll flip entirely for what the plot needs *cough*FILTHY RICH Ep 9*cough*
Even without covid, they might have moved in together quickly, just because the writers have to think of something to give them to do and this show will always lean toward what creates drama. But given that it is covid times, as you said, I don’t really think it’s that out there for these two, who can be already be impetuous but now would surely be happy for some solace as emergency workers during the start of a pandemic as well as some general companionship, aside from trying to get back to the makeup stage of their…physically affectionate relationship, heh.
Is it going to be problem-free, given how recent the cheating was and the added pressures of moving in and the pandemic? No, but they’ll get some good drama and processing of everything out of it, hopefully.