
When I visited the United States Holocaust Museum for the first time, I was struck deeply by one wall with absolutely nothing on it, except for this quote: 

“Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?”

Hitler often used it to cite how history would forget about his “final solution”, as they didn’t remember the Armenian genocide, did they? 

My family is in America for the sole reason that the first Armenian genocide drove them out. My grandmother knows nothing of what happened to her cousins and aunts and uncles, and still, to this day, the Armenian genocide is not recognized by Turkey. 

It’s happening again. The Azerbaijan and Armenian conflict over Artsakh, an area that Azerbaijan claims is theirs, but is inhabited heavily by Armenians, has been restarted, and the people living there are in serious danger, as Turkey is now lending their military aid to Azerbaijan as well, while the rest of the world is turned the other way. 

I know we’re all so fatigued from the shitshow that has been 2020, and how difficult it can be to comprehend yet another tragedy, but if you have a moment, please just educate yourself on what’s happening in Armenia and Artsakh, educate a friend, and take a look at the some of the resources I’ll link below, I would be so grateful. Don’t let history annihilate my people again. 

explaining why the conflict has re-started

a help Armenia carrd

donate- the Armenia Fund

what is Artsakh? 

Hi you know where i can watch the movie same but different i try to rent it on the official website but it won’t let me. Thanks

Oh, hmm, I didn’t even know it was at that stage. I guess it is. 

Hmm, my friend who told me about it didn’t live in the US and I think this is how she watched, so I’m not sure what the issue is. I just tried the rental process and got pretty far but didn’t actually go through fully because I’m absolutely not going to watch in the next few days so I’m not sure if being IN the US is the issue. What problem are you hitting? Is it geolocked or is it just some payment error at some point? If it is geolocked maybe a VPN would work, since it’ll accept paypal so it doesn’t seem to need a “local” credit card. I did briefly look around for downloads when I first heard about it but didn’t see anything so not sure where else to watch.

they should give morgan on good doctor a girlfriend

RIGHT? Correct me if I’m wrong but this show has not had a main LGBT character ever? In this day and age? And Morgan would be a great candidate, given how they’ve treated her romantic life so far. Of course it’ll never be TWO main characters, despite people shipping Claire/Morgan. And I think they may go with one of the new residents and just never one of the original mains.

I was gonna go on a rant about this in my tags for the Morgan post I made but then it was like, where to stop, when it comes to TGD, there’s too much. I’m genuinely still mad at how they had Lim treat Claire like that for not wanting to treat a Nazi, but that was like, first season stuff, since then, the treatment of Carly, of SHAUN in how Lea treated him and still acting like it’s this big romantic arc. But whatever, heh. Definitely agree with your post.




look i am not about to discredit any of the hard work done by amazing people like stacey abrams (LIKE GO BUY HER BOOKS SO SHE CAN KEEP BEING AWESOME WHILE FINANCIALLY SECURE), but unless we are aggressive about reminding people of the work Natives do, no one is going to hear about it.

the trump administrations failures and deliberate efforts of harm have caused a disproportionate amount of harm to Indian Country/Natives living on tribal lands. the losses we’ve seen are incomparable, and the devastation beyond repair. every Elder death due to the failures of trump and co. is another bit of culture, history, and language lost.

you won’t hear much about it because our numbers are small. because of the ongoing genocide of Natives on our own lands. the numbers are small, but the percentages by which we are being harmed are astronomical.

but so is our determination.

we are still here and we will not be silenced or forgotten.

And you know why so many southwest states are in play this year? It’s because Native people got out the vote. All the work that Stacey Abrams did, for which she is justly praised, a whole lotta tribes have been doing too.

I want to give a shout out to Menominee County, which is the bluest county (highest percentage of Democratic votes) in Wisconsin this year, despite being up in the majority-conservative northern part of the state and not having a major urban center like Milwaukee or Madison to help bolster Democratic support. In fact, Menominee has always been Wisconsin’s bluest county in every presidential election since it was formed in 1959.


Menominee County is home to the Menominee Indian Reservation. Most of the people who live in the county are members of the Menominee Nation. Wisconsin had an extremely small margin this election and I, a non-Native person living in Wisconsin, am so grateful to the people of the Menominee Nation for showing up and going SO HARD, this year and every year, in the face of toxic opposition. 

Also, I hope this is okay to add on: for years, the Menominee Tribe of Wisconsin has been fighting against the “Back Forty Mine Project,“ a proposed open-pit metallic sulfide mine on the shores of the Menominee River.

They have put together a website, noback40.org, with information about the project (including a handout and a basic fact sheet with lots of great information all in one place) as well as information about how we can help. There is also a long-running, still-open GoFundMe (open since 2017).

In January of this year, the Menominee Tribe lost their appeal demanding the permits for the mine’s construction be reviewed by federal authorities, not the state of Michigan. Per the WPR article: “If permitting for the project rested with federal agencies, they would be required to conduct official consultation with the tribe on the project.” 

Despite what Aquila Resources, the owner of the project, have claimed, as of July of this year they do not yet have all required permits to move forward, and have been further set back by Covd-19.

Menominee County and the Menominee people came through and indeed always comes through for Democratic candidates. If you can, maybe take a bit of time today to research this important issue and see if there is anything you can do to help!

Oh you saw Shiva Baby? So lucky! it’s not playing in my country yet :( Was it good? I want to watch it because of Dianna lol but it also just looks good from the trailer.

I have not, heh. It is available online in places, hopefully you can find it.

I did skim it, and I only knew that the lead was bi and sleeping with an older married dude whose nice wife she was gonna unexpectedly meet, imagine my surprise when that was DA, lol. But yeah, it looks good! I saw a gifset and was like hmmm, interesting, but it also looks like it’ll be awkward and filled with secondhand embarrassment so I’ve been putting it off.