everyone in shondaland is badly written lol majority of the main characters have all done shitty things just like they’ve also done good things. also we all know that the list of characters who haven’t cheated is shorter than the list of characters who have.

Right, that is the impression I get. Especially about the second part, lol, for real. I try not to judge too hard, or at least not make my dislike about anything deeper than my own personal feelings. Everyone’ll get their turn sooner or later, you just hope they won’t do anything TOO bad or die.

I love that you don’t want to watch Bly and half of it but understand people that like it.Your reasons are understandable even if we don’t share it. I love that you include them in the recommendation someone ask you before.

Aw, thank you! I actually have this one KE answer I still need to ask that really made me think on how I can react negatively to media for a variety of reasons, one of those being simply that it might not have been what I wanted. Which, that’s no reason to mark it as Bad. 

I mean, if one wanted, they could still call out things they both did in a problematic sense, but that’d be every single thing in the world. There’s a whole spectrum, right, how bad it is, who it bothers, why it does. All I see is many wlw loving them, so why harsh on that. 😮

Interesting, Mostly super heroes. Did you shipped couples like luke/Lorelai, Nathan/Haley, Castle/Beckett?

Oh, not mostly superheros, I don’t even know most of them, I just remembered that I do actually love CW’s Westallen and that reminded me of the other very good superhero men I liked, and their ships. More and more, I have to really like the guy and he has to be completely besotted with the woman and then I’m in. 

For those ships, I didn’t really watch OTH, and I liked Caskett at the start but less so over time, partly because of Castle/Nathan Fillion, but that was also coinciding with my shifting to f/f so it’s just how it was. Ah, hmm, no, not really that into Luke/Lorelai either, I don’t hate them, I just didn’t really care much for any of Lorelai’s romances.