re: Filthy Rich and that scene with Becky and Ginger in the hospital umm wtf was that?? I stopped watching the ep after that scene so disregard this message if they have another but just going into the episode it felt like there was so much missing? like with the chaos that episode 8 ended with, I thought that ep 9 would pick right off but a lot of it (at least the plane ride to NY, finding out the guy was dead, finding out the kid was kidnapped, Becky’s injury) was resolved off-screen

Yeah, it felt like they’d milk it more where they left it but I get it, they only had so much time and clearly certain things can be assumed to have happened without any confusion, why waste time with them. 

But the conversation (and it was just the one) was pretty random, how was Ginger out of the picture to begin with? And Becky’s weird zen thing… And what did wrong place mean? Like, who Ginger is as a person? As a woman? As anybody at all when she wants to focus on her baby? Not sure what we’re supposed to take from that… It really does flip on a dime on this show, as it kind of felt like with Ginger last ep. I guess we just hope for something in the finale.