Churails anon, there is actually a teeny tiny bit of wlw. It’s definitely implied the two women are a couple, they’re just in the background. There’s also a trans character, played by an actual trans woman! They treat her with so much respect and love, it’s wonderful. There’s also a gay storyline, well I don’t want to spoil it. I’m on episode 6 so who knows, everything might blow up by the end lmao

And…another anon? I can’t tell, I didn’t think I’d have two anons telling me about this show but your typing patterns are quite different and this one didn’t identify themselves, also y’all have differing points of view on the gay storyline:

hey the show churails does have a middle aged lesbian couple in it! tho nothing explicit their love is talked about and known to everyone within the group and it also has an ep about a closeted gay man and *****spoilers***** the ending of that sl is a rather violent one

Oh, that’s so interesting about the actual wlw… I feel like, for my years in Pakistan, in the circles I’ve lived in, it would never be discussed, let alone approved of. And yet, actually existing in media! Wild. Sucks about the gay man, though. :/

Trans people…that’s always been somewhat odd, right, like, you see some living so openly and in a way, they’re tolerated, but like, so othered and kept apart, and only tolerated because of that distance. But maybe I don’t have the full picture, I lived such a sheltered, transient life there, I didn’t participate in and pick up on so much. 😮 I’m waiting to watch when I’m more in the mood for something this, well, heavy, but I do definitely have it on the list.

Are there any interesting shows that you’re watching currently?

Oh, well, I don’t think there’s really been much airing? I’ve also just been pretty busy at work for the last few weeks, not had a chance to watch much even if there was anything. 

Um, hmmm. What’m I watching…okay, well, I’m actually enjoying this Canada/New Zealand joint production, The Sounds. It’s set in NZ, starring Rachelle Lefevre, always very watchable, where a rich Canadian couple out on their boat and the husband goes missing. No f/f (althoughhh, I’m kind of hoping for something, it’s a long-shot and we only have one ep left, but fingers crossed), just a season long mystery drama thriller kind of thing, with a lot of the local characters really fleshed out. It’s kind of atmospheric but not really in a gloomy Scandi noir way, since NZ’s so pretty and they’re not gonna let you forget it. It started off being kind of just something to pass the time and then there was a bit of a twist and now I’m genuinely interested to see how it ends.

Also, season 4 of Fargo, just started but pretty great already. It’s about rival crime families in the ‘50s and I knew from the trailer one of the factions was a Black family so I expected it to be more about racism and–of course it’s there, it permeates everything, but Fargo plots are so distinct and substantial, in their oddball way, there’s very much an actual story to which the racism is a backdrop. 

The Good Lord Bird only started this week, about Ethan Hawke as this, like, fiery, wild, kind of absurd abolitionist, it’s from the POV of a young Black boy he “rescues” in a really stupid characteristic way and so far seems to do well in focusing not just on Hawke’s character, as you just can’t for this kind of premise. It’s almost a comedy, but obviously definitely a drama. No f/f, I can’t even remember a woman in the whole of the first ep, but I’m liking it for its own sake.  [ETA on October 11, 2020: I’m not sure I’d recommend it on the basis of the second ep. The main character gets separated from Ethan Hawke’s character and winds up having his own “adventure” and it ends with the death of the two named Black women on the show so far, one by hanging.]

Otherwise, I guess I got some stuff to catch up on. Caught up on spoilers on Ratched and The Haunting of Bly Manor, only gonna watch one of them. Criminal s2…oh, Soulmates started and I liked the first ep, was happy to see Sarah Snook in something watchable, but after seeing the interview with the showrunners, feel like the rest of the show’s not going to be as imaginative and bold as it could have been but waiting for the obligatory f/f ep regardless. Even though I feel like it might go the poly or bad-end route, and also, one of them has bangs, which. >_> 

I dunno, there’s other random stuff, but really, there’s not much, is there.

Have you seen the show Churails? I’ve watched the first 3 episodes and I’m really enjoying it. The topics they’ve covered so far are pretty intense but I think they’re doing a good job in not making them unbearable to watch.

I honestly hadn’t even heard of it? Wow…I’ve never seen anything like this from Pakistan, they tend to go so deliberately for the full-blown drama. This is so slick and like…hmm. Obviously they won’t have any gay, right? I’m assuming that going in, lol, which, *sigh*, but yeah, I’m interested! Thanks for the heads up.

Do you think Netflix will cancel Away too and saying it was because of covid?

It’s certainly possible, but it did really well, in the US and abroad, and they seem to be giving it more of a push, much more than TBH got, I would be surprised if they did. But then, I was honestly kinda surprised at TBH’s…not cancellation, necessarily, but its treatment, the lack of support behind it. The cancellation itself seemed almost logical given how they’d been treating it from the start. Though still surprising and sad when it came.

Teenage bounty hunter got cancelled

I know! I’m so disappointed. On so many fronts, tbh. First, I just liked the show and obviously especially Stepril and the twins and wanted to see what would happen to them. Second, it was a really good show, well done in every way, pacing, writing, casting, acting, so it’s disappointing to see it not succeed when it did everything right. And then, I’m just sad for them all, they seemed really nice. Plus, it bothers me that it didn’t really get the promo others did, so it just seems unfair all around.

I’m hoping things can still turn around, especially if part of this was due to covid, which seems unpredictable. It’s not like people are gonna go and make something else in the meantime, everyone’s waiting, for ALL these shows.

I noticed the fandom is pretty split on this when i ask so i will ask you as well.. Would Sterling or April be owed an apology in season 2. Some say no April was super messy knowing how Sterling felt about her being mean to her an flirting with her ex boyfriend right in her face so fucked up that pretty much evens our the dad thing. Than others are saying kind of true but she cause April alot of pain too. An she let april open up to her knowing shes why this is happening to April.

Ooh, good question. (Haha, me trying to be upbeat and act like nothing’s changed. :/)

I would think both are, no? Both doing things that hurt the other doesn’t just, like, cancel things out. You’ve laid it out quite clearly, while April is absolutely within her rights to change her mind and not come out and even break up, acting how she did at the lock-in wasn’t justified.Though I’m not sure, after that conversation, if there’d been a season 2 if Sterling would have ever have gotten an apology for specifically that. April DEFINITELY would have gotten one for Sterling hiding EVERYTHING about her dad but probably too late, probably after she found out some other way.