i sent one of the asks about THOBM and it truly was just to help you decide, i didn’t mean to make you feel pressured to watch it or anything! Because I do understand not wanting to go through that pain or not liking stories like that! Wev’e already suffered too much, there is no need to do that with fictional characters if we can avoid it. For me, though, I love suffering hahahah have a great week! xo

Oh, no worries, I just didn’t want it to seem like I didn’t appreciate people offering their input, I did. And yeah, I think…just not for me.

And another anon:

Just like you the f/f in Hill House didn’t really do much for me. Nell is what got me and the mom too. I LOVED it. I was watching with friends and sped through without them in the end. Season 2 though… Meh. It picks up after episode 5 but it’s less scary which I didn’t like and I also just didn’t… I don’t know, BELIEVE it about Dani/Jamie? Great actresses but together no spark. To me. Especially since they’re this years long love story it felt hollow? As a whole though S2 was just ok to me.

Ah, but see, I even find my memories of season 1 tainted by how sad Olivia and Nell’s endings were! I don’t just dislike BYGs for meta reasons, because of–well, all the reasons we already know, what it reflects of the creators and society, how it’s a rare glimpse of others like us, etc, but I also just dislike sad endings in general, for every other kind of story. 

I don’t actually mind it being less scary and I’ve only seen gifs and clips of Dani/Jamie, they seem cute, I don’t think that would be my objection to it. I would almost prefer not loving them, so the ending wouldn’t be so crushing.

And another anon:

You don’t have to reply to this, but I just wanted to throw in my two cents about bly manor. I absolutely found the ending tragic and sad. I’m still sad and I finished it two days ago! Yes, their relationship is beautifully done and they get a good 10 years of being together, but you know the whole time it’s only going to end in heartache. You watch it waiting for the other shoe to drop, and for me that makes it so much worse than them not getting a future at all. I get not wanting to watch it.

Right, right, I get that! I mean, I wouldn’t say no future is worse, lol, but sad endings definitely linger for me, and I don’t find them cathartic or beautiful, just sad. So I think that does decide for me, thanks for writing in!

I mean for the flashbacks those were mainly small scenes too so they can probs just have them quarantine too before flashbacks since they usually only involved a few people (I DEFINITELY wanna see more Lu and Mei flashbacks haha)

Hmm, true, true, but it just means the circle grows larger, right? Maybe not in poor Mei’s case who ends up mostly interacting with Lu, but she was in the middle of mission control before, I’d hate for them to cut out meaningful scenes for convenience. And of course Matt and Lex interact heavily with Emma, but then everyone else they interact with becomes part of that? Well, as you said, maybe they’ll just quarantine the people entering the smaller bubbles and try to figure out something else when they’re part of larger scenes.

And another anon:

I assume for the mission control scenes maybe they’d just have less people in the scenes or they’d have them more spaced out or they’d just write in the pandemic for mask reasons or they could just do close ups so it’s only a few people at a time.

I guess…it’s gonna be so interesting but kind of sad to see how media handles this in the upcoming TV season. Some shows already tried to do eps with mostly video conferencing, some tried animated, some wrote it into the plot, some are having just a few actors on screen (and set) at one time. 😡 Like, every time we see scenes with just a couple of people we’ll be like, I wonder if this was because…? And will often be right.

And another anon:

The only issue I could see is that apparently Away is one of the most expensive shows Netflix has ever produced. But the showrunner is super optimistic and apparently there’s been whispers about season 2 and also they’ve already bought the spacesuits and stuff so that may make it cheaper? The showrunner said they have a multi season plan and that it’s worth the price tag. Plus I don’t see why Netflix would spend so much money on a show not to renew it. They clearly believe in it enough.

Wow, was it? I suppose the space sfx but I remember seeing in one of the Expanse BTS that it wasn’t THAT hard or difficult to mimic no gravity, just wires and then CGIing them out, similar to what this show’s doing, I’d assume. Maybe not, with the bigger sets and the different angles… That’s a good point about Netflix actually wanting to showcase this one, that does indeed bode well for it. Fingers crossed, anyway! I need that Lu/Mei endgame.

I am the only one that liked the frozen version in OUAT?

Lol, this was so random in the middle of all these THOBM asks. Um. I don’t think you were! I wasn’t even watching by that point, but I know Georgina Haig kind of took off because of that part and of course you can’t go wrong with Elizabeth Mitchell. My friend who love-love-lovessss Frozen and Elsa in particular actually liked it a lot, and she had little patience for OUAT by that point too.

I have the same thing about endings as you. I loved bly manor and didn’t find the ending tragic or sad, but beautiful and transcendent, esp the last shot. And their love is portrayed as beautiful and selfless, even in death

And other spoilery asks:

the w|w couple on bly manor gets a lot of good years in between and while there isn’t exactly a happily ever after, the final scene actually has a really bittersweet moment

OK, I want to try to help you decide if you will watch Bly or not with a few spoilers! So, even though it was supposed to be a m/f pairing, it is clear they changed a bunch of things once they decided to make it f/f. Dani being gay is part of her arc and they talk about being gay. Also, Idk but to me their ending wasn’t sad? Bly kinda let’s you decide because we see them together at the end. It is the last shot! And you can decide what to take from it I think. And they do get at least a (½)

And they do get at least a decade together and we get to see this and it s very sweet. Their whole relationship is very Gothic romance, as promised, and cute and sweet. But yeah, I think you can view it as a sad ending because Dani does dies (sorta??) and Jaime is alone for a few years. But I’d argue that is nowhere near devasting as Nellie and Olivia’s fate because they were happy for so long and maybe will still be happy now (if you want to view it that way) (2/2)

I do appreciate you all giving me your input! And it did help me decide, I just…decided the other way. D: Sorry! But reading through these was like the equivalent of that coin toss method where you assign your options and as it’s up in the air, you’re hit with the clarity of knowing which option you want and in my case, don’t want. I don’t think I want to watch this. 

The vast majority of the viewer impressions have been that this is beautiful but also very sad. And I just don’t disagree with what the writer wants me to think and feel. So I will, at best, think oh, this is very beautiful AND very sad. I can’t compartmentalize and be like, well, actually, I’m going to interpret it this different way. I did that with subtext ships but what helped me suspend disbelief was knowing that we were working with a homophobic environment, that possibly they could have gone there but never would. Here…that doesn’t work.

And second, I FULLY believe you all that this IS extremely a beautiful and selfless and moving love, but that just makes it worse? What’s coming? What they had to give up? :/ The more they lost, the worse I feel for them. 😡 

I might still watch it at some point in the future, when I’m trying to build my emotional muscles, because they’re weak af, but I’m definitely putting it aside for now.

Apparently Away was top 10 in 30 countries!! The showrunner said that we’ll probs know about a renewal by mid October. I don’t think COVID will be a big issue for cancellation cause the showrunner said that their show actually works for COVID cause they can just have the people on the Atlas quarantine together the only problem would be the mission control scenes. Plus the showrunner said they’re optimistic about renewal and the actors in the show don’t seem to be committed to any other projects

Yeah, Away was relatively quite popular. And that does make sense, the Mars stuff is isolated, but you know, the mission control and flashback scenes aren’t insignificant. And I don’t know that I would want them to cut down on those just for convenience (except the kid’s). But in the end, I’m good as long as we get plenty of Lu and Mei. 😛

It’s almost mid-October now, I guess we’ll be hearing about it soon.

This is probably a long shot but do you or your followers have any Station 19 fic recs? I binged and now I need more but I don’t want to sort through or even know where to start.

Hmm, I haven’t read any myself but by some coincidence I stumbled onto this post the other day and was honestly surprised and impressed there were enough fics for a rec post. Maybe you’ll find it helpful?


hey, you should check out the haunting of bly manor, its good, not scary at all and super gay!

And another anon:

Are you going to watch the haunting of bly manor?

Spoilers below:

I’m not suuuure yet. I was pretty settled on not watching but then I learned something and am measuring what it means to me.

Like, okay, so ordinarily I would have just watched the show from the start, but like everyone else, even before it dropped I heard that it was going to have f/f so when it did, I immediately sought out spoilers for the end. And you know how I am about endings! I do love f/f and I love main character f/f most but even in TV form, I don’t like BAD endings, especially when they’re built to be tragic and evoke that kind of emotion from you, like, grief, loss, it’s all worth it for who you love and no! It’s not for me!

To add to that, in the first one, as much as I did love Theo, which was a lot, I didn’t really care that much about the f/f arc and my lasting impression of the show was being utterly devastated for Nell and Olivia most of all. I didn’t care about the other siblings getting their happy endings (though, again, I DID love the other two sisters especially). They just…Olivia loved her family so much and they loved her and then they all lost each other like that. And Nell, god, she just suffered her whole life, never being free from the haunting, her siblings treating her like that, and then she dies early, realizing she was the cause of her own suffering. 

So…that was actually what I was looking to be “fixed” in this one. Seeing that the Nell actress would be the lead and even Carla Gugino was returning gave me some hope, given my particular attachment to them, BUT, aside from the news that this would have f/f, we also heard that the people who weren’t happy with the first one would be happy with this one. …There are only so many ways to interpret that and I guess that’s what they decided to fix, that the generally happy ending overall was now gonna be sad.

And you know, I’ve gone back and forth on the BYG, like, apparently Jamie was first gonna be a guy, the actor who played Luke, even!, but was changed for honestly, understandable reasons, they did play twins in literally the first season of this very show. This wasn’t a case where the f/f ship got the bad end because they didn’t prioritize it enough or couldn’t think of anything else to do with them. To the writers, this was the best version of this story, what they were going to give to a m/f couple anyway. They like bittersweet gothic romance, okay. But I don’t, heh. I wouldn’t have liked it for m/f! And then I’m not sure we ARE at the point where we can just translate m/f stories directly into f/f, they’re NOT the same thing. 

I’m not like, gonna complain in general or campaign or anything, just, it all affects how I think about it. So yeah, I was deciding I wouldn’t watch but then I learned that they did actually get a good few happy years in there and now I’m considering that. That does kind of undo some of my objection, where it was like, dammit, this kid just suffers and then dies. But I’m still not sure, I just don’t liiiiike sad things. And that’s the final message they want to end on, right, the self-sacrifice, the grief, the separation, the loneliness. The Beauty in it. And I don’t really appreciate or enjoy that. Not that I can’t see it, if you’re into that sort of thing it seems just as emotional and evocative as the first. Just…not my thing.