I’m devastated that the show got cancelled :( It deserved so much more and I’m going to do a double take in terms of getting emotionally invested in any Netflix show now – I loved GLOW and Away and both were taken prematurely :( So many shows led by women are biting the dust and I’m so exhausted seeing this again and again :(

Yeah, I didn’t love the whole of Away as much as other shows but I admired its inclusion and of course Lu/Mei and honestly, just having Lu. I was willing to let it grow a bit. 

Each time we get news of more cancelations like this, I do feel this bit of unease, seeing it reinforced again how all this isn’t a meritocracy or rewarding the showrunners who try to run positive sets and create diverse media. It’s a matter of luck if a few of those take off but mostly it’s about appealing to the whims of people who tend to like straight and white and sensationalized, violent media.


I know! It streamed so well. I guess they just couldn’t justify even the lower expense for s2 compared to s1 when they added the covid safety measures back on, which seem to run into half a million extra per ep. I really do wonder, for a lot of these, couldn’t they just do a movie to round off things? The cost of one maybe 1.5 eps and like, bring so much goodwill and closure and at least be able to say you have these complete series in your library for new viewers… I don’t know, I just don’t know what’s driving their decisions.

What do you think they’re gonna do for Away to make room for COVID?

Welp. I saw this earlier when it came in and jokingly thought to myself that the covid situation for Away genre of asks was more popular than I expected except I just saw that it was cancelled so now I’m just sad. Wtf. It was super popular?? In views, anyway. So really, it’s like, what can a show do to succeed if female led and diverse? It can’t be really good but not that watched, like TBH. It can’t be really watched but not that good, like Away. 

And like, they wouldn’t even have had to account for the zero gravity for this season, they could have just faked low gravity out in the desert. Damn…I didn’t expect that. I really wanted to see more of Lu and Mei… I mean, if this treacly family friendly popcorn watching can’t make it, what can? It has to legit just be such a huge unlikely success or it’s done? 

Thx for giffing kajillionaire! I just watched it, was surprised by how good it was. ERW is always a standout no matter what she does imo. I didn’t know g rod says racist stuff, damn, her char here was very charming. Ugh why can people just NOT

Np! It was very lowkey and I liked it for that. I think during the first half I was anticipating something more extreme and dramatic, like ending in jail or death or the like, but it seemed to focus more on character and especially OD growing so I stopped bracing myself and just enjoyed it for what it was. 

Yeah, super disappointing about GR. Like I said, you have to kind of try to mess up that badly, repeatedly.

if Away will be affected when filming control room scenes, wouldn’t it be the same for For All Mankind too? I think they stopped filming because of covid

Yes, but it probably makes a huge difference that FAM stopped with just a couple of episodes left, compared to a show that has the full season left to shoot AND write. Whatever concessions FAM were going to make for covid, it’d have to work with the plot already written and the eps already shot. Most of what they needed would already have been rented or bought and planned out for and in weighing what to do, they’d have to take into account that the bulk of the season was already done, as opposed to not started at all. As a bunch of renewed shows not yet taping found out when they had the renewal rescinded. And as a matter of fact, I think FAM’s already gone back and finished shooting the leftover eps.

Considering Away s2 hasn’t even been written yet, they’ll have to make wholesale changes from the very start. FAM might have, for example, removed a scene here or some people there, but Away won’t even write them in to begin with. 

Not sure if you are sitll keeping uo with Lovecraft Country but Euby abd Christina is so enthralling. I mean Christina is evil and up to absolutely no good but whatever she and Ruby have going on is so weird and messed up but also… I can’t look away?

Um. I get it, for sure, I see the gifsets and stuff, and they do look intense and interesting, stuff’s happening there, but I just can’t get over what the show did to two QWOC already. And as I’d said, right, at the time, however badly they were regarded then (and most people hardly seemed to care about the second), they’d be forgotten soon enough and they were. It just bothered me, how cavalierly it was handled. 

Separately from that, I just couldn’t get over how the characters were written, I honestly was starting to dislike all of them as people, they would be so selfish or self-righteous or hypocritical. I like to ship by really getting into the characters and in Christina’s case especially, she seems so weird and racist, I just wouldn’t be able to get into that. But hopefully it ends well for you all!

I had an idea. What if in season 2 they devise some sort of system for Mei and Lu to talk privately without the CNSA knowing? Like they communicate using someone else’s tablet or something? Like maybe through Matt like he could hide it since he works at NASA.

I kinda hope we get more of the other characters next season. Like I want other character’s loved ones showing up as like in their imaginations like Matt did for Emma. And I wanna know how it’s affecting the other families too and the other kids.

I had an idea. Maybe they could all band together and decide not to do a specific task unless Mei rejoins the mission? I could see that. They all love Lu and know how much it would hurt if they weren’t able to talk to their loved ones again and they’ve already risked international incidents like twice haha. They’d have to reinstate her if they used a United front.

Maybe they’ll just meticulously plan out the scenes everyone is in like two weeks in advance and have them quarantine ahead of time so that way they can still shoot scenes but also stay on schedule? (About Away)

I think these are all from the same anon, they all came together, if not, my apologies.

I feel like both the idea to communicate by secret and to force NASA/CNSA to reinstate Mei are great, but I also think they’re too easy to get where we want and skip a whole lot of the drama the show’s deliberately going to want to include. But the communication idea, huh, that might be something they do, during Mei’s part of s2, because they gotta progress her story somehow. I don’t think we’ll get much of Mei back but I would LOVE to be proven wrong. I just feel the show’s not prioritizing them as much as we are.

But yes, definitely, the second ask about seeing the other families, that should definitely be one of the justifications for another season, to see more of the rest of them. Like first seasons tend to be about the lead and setting up further exploration into the side characters, then subsequent seasons elaborate on that, that’s what I’m hoping happens here.

And you’re probably correct on how they’re going to do the shooting, it seems to me that they already plan things out in pretty close detail, which actors and props and crew and sets they’ll need when, they just have to use that to now coordinate who’s interacting with who and for how long. I say “just” but it was already probably such a complex web and now this is a huge factor to include and you hear of sets immediately shut down as soon as someone does test positive, so it’s gonna be a learning experience for everyone.

Tbh g rod annoys me Bc she some of the few latinas we actually get on tv so I hate to see her being messy, but I also understand her messiness. Like not to excuse her & I don’t even kno if she grew up like this, but when u grow up in mixed Latinx/Black neighborhoods a lot of Latinx ppl think they can get away w shit like saying the n word Bc all their friends are Black & there’s a camaraderie that their friends call them that, but it’s really not right & Latinx ppl still shouldn’t do it.

I feel like…at most, that applies to kids in that environment, but she should know better by now. It implies such a lack of, well, listening, to not get it even in your 20s and she’s 36, the latest incident happened just…I think this year?? I’ve lost track of time, it might have been last year, but either way, like, too recently. These discussions have been going on for ages in the mainstream, in front of us, so she’d had to have been ignoring them or just not knowing they’re happening, neither of which is a good look.