And other spoilery asks:
the w|w couple on bly manor gets a lot of good years in between and while there isn’t exactly a happily ever after, the final scene actually has a really bittersweet moment
OK, I want to try to help you decide if you will watch Bly or not with a few spoilers! So, even though it was supposed to be a m/f pairing, it is clear they changed a bunch of things once they decided to make it f/f. Dani being gay is part of her arc and they talk about being gay. Also, Idk but to me their ending wasn’t sad? Bly kinda let’s you decide because we see them together at the end. It is the last shot! And you can decide what to take from it I think. And they do get at least a (½)
And they do get at least a decade together and we get to see this and it s very sweet. Their whole relationship is very Gothic romance, as promised, and cute and sweet. But yeah, I think you can view it as a sad ending because Dani does dies (sorta??) and Jaime is alone for a few years. But I’d argue that is nowhere near devasting as Nellie and Olivia’s fate because they were happy for so long and maybe will still be happy now (if you want to view it that way) (2/2)
I do appreciate you all giving me your input! And it did help me decide, I just…decided the other way. D: Sorry! But reading through these was like the equivalent of that coin toss method where you assign your options and as it’s up in the air, you’re hit with the clarity of knowing which option you want and in my case, don’t want. I don’t think I want to watch this.
The vast majority of the viewer impressions have been that this is beautiful but also very sad. And I just don’t disagree with what the writer wants me to think and feel. So I will, at best, think oh, this is very beautiful AND very sad. I can’t compartmentalize and be like, well, actually, I’m going to interpret it this different way. I did that with subtext ships but what helped me suspend disbelief was knowing that we were working with a homophobic environment, that possibly they could have gone there but never would. Here…that doesn’t work.
And second, I FULLY believe you all that this IS extremely a beautiful and selfless and moving love, but that just makes it worse? What’s coming? What they had to give up? :/ The more they lost, the worse I feel for them. 😡
I might still watch it at some point in the future, when I’m trying to build my emotional muscles, because they’re weak af, but I’m definitely putting it aside for now.