Lol, the blue check really makes it.

And I hadn’t seen Devon’s reply, hah, they’re having FUN with this.
Just another WordPress site
Lol, the blue check really makes it.
And I hadn’t seen Devon’s reply, hah, they’re having FUN with this.
The length was the best part! The establishing, the buildup, the arc!
Uh, but I actually have not really read a lot of books since and liked even fewer, and none really like Priory? Gideon the Ninth and Memory of Empire are probably the two biggest ones but neither are fantasy. Maybe just go through my sparsely used books tag? I guess there’s the Nevernight trilogy, though the f/f takes a super long time to start. There are so many books I’ve heard about and want to get around to (including The Never Tilting World!) but obviously can’t rec yet.
I’m pleased you liked it, anon! Sadly, I did try Crier’s War and honestly tried to keep with it for a while, since I’d preordered it off a premise that sounded so fun but I just wasn’t able to get into it.
Ughhh, you’re right, for millennia they had that eternal happy ending you want for other ships. And then, taken away from them! And instead…this. I dunno how, but I so want them to come back from the torture too, like what’s the point otherwise??? That the totally undeserved and incomprehensibly cruel suffering others inflicted on you will break you and that’s just that? You may get a few seconds of redemption at the end if you sacrifice yourself or something? No! Happy ending or nothing. :<
Oh, that’s a great point, it’s such a relevant and recent comparison. Such an effective and moving portrayal, as bittersweet as it was, you get that it’s all wrapped up in not just, like…a burden, but an actual sense of wanting to do it. Which, obviously, there are so many nuances and layers to that and I truly do hope that once Lu gets back, she finds a balance that lets her and Mei be together (I’m gonna need all the fic here), but I get her decisions.
Although, isn’t Away also through a certain lens? Where Emma is the good guy through it all (and I mean, like, I loved her as a character, but stepping back a bit at what she represents) and you have the CNSA so hateable. I was literally telling my friend as I was watching, I’m hating this fictional Chinese woman written by Americans, not sure how to feel about that. Especially because then on the other hand, in real life, it probably WOULD be like that so it’d be a disservice to paint it too differently. I guess we landed on the best outcome being that while the homophobia in China shouldn’t be glossed over, the US’s flaws shouldn’t be either.
Full disclosure, I have not watched the new Mulan at all barring the parts with Gong Li, but I assumed she went because her father is sick? But yeah, Disney really went and didn’t hire a single Chinese writer for it. I guess that showed, from the criticism I’ve been reading.
Hello Juliantina fans or former Juliantina fans out there
#RevoluciónJuliantina is a new campaign to try re focus on the beautiful love story of Juliana and Valentina brought to us thanks to Maca and Barbara’s wonderful job. Our intention is to bring back the good ol’ days, reach even more people with this and regain visibility.
Every day we have a different #
Monday: #FanArtMonday share your talent with us please…
Tuesday: #BárbaraLópezTuesday A whole day for our Queen B
Wednesday: #FanFicWednesday either is on AO3, Wattpad, Tumblr, etc
Thursday: #MacaBesoTuesday the entire day talking about our bebecita.
Friday: #JuliantinaFriday to remember and cry about Juliana and Valentina. On this day we will also stream together an episode of ‘El Destino nos encontró’ at 8pm (Mexico City) and live tweet, comment, post, (on any platform you use) using the name of the episode. This friday 09/11 we’ll start with DOS AÑOS ATRAS.
Join us and have some fun.
For Juliantina and its still loving, still present fandom…