I am literally losing my mind over Lu and Mei, the yearning, the tenderness, the resolve, the isolation. Even tumblr buzzwords feel alive again bc their dynamic is just so good. I watched the al l the lillies compilation bc I don’t have time for the whole show LOL but the final picture…iconic…I wish I could talk about this with someone because it’s a cosmic entity I stg

I know! I just keep repeating the same words, the pining, the yearning, the selflessness, the romance, but they apply so completely to them. I mentioned before how stripped down their scenes are and how that actually highlights just them and like, remember that Renault ad that briefly went viral, with the two childhood best friends that fell in love? One of them was a redhead and it was set to a slowed down female cover of Wonderwall? This is like that, where because the flashback scenes are deliberately limited, you feel their significance all the more, like these are the moments when things Changed, when huge pivotal shifts happened.

Like, even with the huge jump between the very start of the calligraphy lessons and the night before the launch, you know they’ve passed these two YEARS without making a move or acknowledging what’s been them, just silently aware, because Mei bringing it up now is a new thing. The way she brings it up, having made the decision and picking the quote, practicing the calligraphy for it, engraving the ring and preparing that little speech, it’s so moving. And Lu, who’s usually so decisive and knows the right to do, helplessly giving in because she wants it tooooo. Not only will they be apart for three years, it’s not impossible that she’ll die up there, and she can’t help but want this to be her last night on Earth too. ;_;

And then, anon! They lie next to each other without making a move! By the time they meet again at the end of the mission, having been in love with each other for FIVE years, they STILL WON’T EVEN HAVE KISSED. That’s why I need the fic, lol, get me to that place, please. Mei so in love she’s carrying that ILY note around with her so it can be found in her desk, and for Lu to know the depths of Mei’s feelings for her at the same time she realizes Lu’s being punished because of her sentimentality in leaving that note. It’s too, too much.

Oh, and tbh, while it’s nice to see Lu through the season, you’re actually fine just watching the compilation, removing Mei cut down a lot on what could have been sprinkled throughout the rest of the scenes. 😡 

You can talk about it with meeee! I can’t stop thinking about them.

How’d you like Away? Idk if it’s bc Emma is our lead but I don’t like Lu so far, hopefully I warm up to her and she warms up to her commander too

Oh, hmm, well, it’s hard to say how much I liked it as a whole, a lot of it is colored by how much I liked certain parts. I don’t think it fully succeeded, tbh, in what it was attempting, as I mentioned in the previous ask, it was blending different genres and to me, it didn’t fulfill its potential in either. For one thing, Lex, the daughter, her arc seemed so out of place on this show, where the rest of the drama and stakes and characters were on such a different level, and then this teen romance.. And the various adult romances popping up, like, maybe it’s hypocritical to say that when Lu and Mei are my favorite part, but they’re defined by their literal restraint and not following through, it’s not just about the romance but culture and willpower and they only got the one ep, instead of all these random friends and coworkers with their season-long inappropriate arcs. 

Yeah, when you start off, Misha and Lu really don’t come across well, which is unfair because Lu especially is correct, Emma was impetuous and didn’t listen and caused the fire, but Emma is also our sympathetic lead so the audience naturally sides with her. As I did too. But I very much started to warm to Lu, partly because of her romantic arc, which is entirely intentional, even the general audience should like her by the end of ep 3, but she also warms to Emma a lot. Also, she’s just funny and badass and so smart and good at what she does. It’s hard to not like her even if she weren’t a wlw.

boocita so i checked out Away and it was way better than the trailer!! ok yeah bit of a family melodrama but also a story of ppl coming together and accepting one another ? with Lu’s character i was eyerolling at the start bc the whole china’s honour thing always reeks of chinese market PR to me now but i loved her arc of deciding what she wants. the photo at the end was really lovely it perfectly encapsulated her growth. oh my god and the wlw pining!!! can you say slow burn? mei asking just to be beside her for a night, oh my god! exquisite

Yeah, the marketing did the show a bit of a disservice! But on the other hand, I thought the show would have a lot more of what we saw in ep 2, action thriller in space but it really pulled on that going forward. Maybe it was trying to draw in the emotional drama crowd that loves This Is Us so much or something. A lot of it was hopeful and, as you said, people coming together. 

I actually was thinking something similar about Lu’s character originally except from the opposite perspective, wondering if she was going to be an American’s version of a cold, Honor Above All Chinese stereotype, but mannnn, the way they humanized her and let her grow too. 

The WLW PINING WAS THE BEST. God. I really cannot praise it enough in the writing and acting. The only thing I’d change was Mei’s disappearing completely, at the LEAST show a couple of seconds of her reacting to the Mars landing in ep 10? But the two actors sold this true, abiding love story so well. So romantic and beautiful and all about the other person’s wishes. It was just the one ep (for the most part) and I’m still thinking about them. 

April has some of the best lines on the show. I’m still laughing about her making up the perfume thing and then smiling while telling Hannah B & Ezekiel to get breath mints (we all know who she’s thinking of) and someone on tumblr really said that april speaks like a repressed renaissance lesbian with the whole fait accompli and patula thing lmaooo can you please gifs april’s lines on the show? I would really appreciate it

Hey, some of us regress to old-timey overly literary kinda European to COPE, okay! 😛 

She really does tend to do that, lol, I hadn’t really actually made the connection till you pointed it out, but yeah, like using philandering instead of cheating too. It’s definitely funnier and probably actually has a legit connection to her diving into Christian scholarship, partly because she’s an intense nerd and partly to escape Other Things, but if it’s just a character choice because it’s funny as hell, I’ll take that too.

I’ve added it to my list to gif but probably won’t get to it for a while. 😡