Some of them might have, a fair number were already Grey’s fans but I think some of the Marina only people did go back and watch the respective Carina and Maya parts from the two shows. I myself didn’t go back through Grey’s but I guess I read up or picked up a bit on the DeLuca history because it does sound brutal just seeing the aftermath. Watching it actually happen must have been super painful, and now it’s something they’re having to experience again. I really hope we see the effects on Carina in the upcoming season.
Haha, that’s not fair, Dark’s casting is SUPERNATURALLY good, I literally thought some of the older actors were just aged up with magic/sfx. Summerland’s weren’t terrible, the gap was so many decades and the older Vera actress sounded so much like Gugu, I thought.
Revolutionary for us, right, since we don’t ever get that. And I’m glad you enjoyed it and my gifs helped you watch!
Hmm, I dunno, from what Frank said when Alice came out to him, “better than marrying someone you don’t like”, well, that’s kind of pretty telling. But I don’t suppose we really know either way. That was obviously his kid’s interpretation after many years of marriage, they could have genuinely been in love at the start and just grown distant as many couples do. I don’t know that I really thought much about it either way, I guess my unconscious reading of that line, to have it included at all, leaned toward lesbian, but really, either reading would work.
struggle to announce this. i know my issues are not that big compared to
what is going on globally. it’s hard to see your life as worthwhile
when, in the grand scheme of things, it is insignificant. but i fear for
my life.
yesterday (9/7) i found out i have cervical cancer. after
months of waiting for an appointment,
despite having known since something
was wrong, due to the injustice that is the
American healthcare system. it has completely turned my world upside down + shaken me to
my core. with every breath i fear the cancer is spreading. i
don’t know how long my own body has been killing itself, all i know is
that i need to hurry to get the injured parts of it removed.
my family
has built itself from the ground up and is barely managing. especially
with the pandemic.. which has taken a tremendous toll on the alaskan
economy.. and as farmers, we lack the means to afford the medical care
i’m in dire need of. i struggle with my mental health during a normal day, and this news has virtually killed any light
i had left. my waking moments have felt like a nightmare. a nightmare with
no foreseeable end in sight.
if there is anyone out there who reads
this, by offering your help you are saving me. whether it be by thoughtful sentiments or contributions or spreading this post wherever
you can. my life is not in my hands anymore.
thank you for taking the time to read this. i appreciate all of you
venmo: mercurialgirl
$139 in the first day?! you all are giving me hope ?
$275/$28000 day two!
i made a twitter today as well in case anyone wants to spread it around there too!!!
all of your words melt my heart into pieces, i want u to know i read the tags on this and cry (in a good way, people never fail to amaze me with their compassion)
$663/$28000 day four ? thank you thank you thank you
$809/$28000 and it’s day five!
i have so much hope in my chest i may burst
$925/$28000 on day six
any post interaction helps!!! if u know someone who is willing to spread this please! send it their way + as always.. thank you for being You ??
$1000/$28000!!!! holy moly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$1399/$28000 on day eight
i can’t believe we are actually doing this like i might actually be able to schedule the surgery and it’s all bcus of you wonderful people
Yeah, I wouldn’t have minded the stories existing as they were but wayyy toned down, especially Lex’s, like, to see Emma trying to be a supportive wife and parent from space and dealing with these conditions, sure, that’s interesting and novel, but it should have been much more in Emma’s perspective than actually following Lex meet and spend time with this boy. There was just nothing novel or new about it, even Matt’s added a lot more, there are way fewer stories about disabled people out there, compared to a pretty ordinary teen romance.
It seems to be a really common complaint from what I’m seeing, so hopefully they take a cue from this for s2 (if we get one) and focus more on the astronauts.
And another anon:
I think your points about Away are spot on. I even started to skip the teenage stuff. There would have been so much more interesting topics/storylines to go deeper: science!!!, religion/atheism, cultural differences,… I was also disappointed that in the end it was Emma’s husband who solved the water problem, it made her look even more incapable of doing her job. (Which should have been Lu’s anyway imo)
Oh, lol, same. And seriously!! These astronauts and their backgrounds and the intersections and contradictions are so interesting. Just language ALONE, I loved that unlike, for example, Sense8, another very international show where they mostly all spoke accented English, here they actually speak the language they naturally would and people actually have to ask for translations and banter about it organically, like Misha and Lu teasing Emma for not knowing Russian. That’s fair! Or the way they’re each slightly snobby about their area of expertise.
The only thing I didn’t love was just how far apart they started the mission, kind of petty and immature in how they were arguing, but still, at least they put their differences aside. There’s just so much scope in that, it feels a bit of a waste to focus on the interpersonal drama that could have existed in any old show and then, as you said, the lead-biased writing, where in this case Matt has to be the one to fix things to justify being a lead.
I guess it’s working, Away’s been at the top in the US Netflix rankings since it dropped, but I hope they take more time with the other astronauts next season too.
Oh, probably, considering the last one at twice the length was translated by multiple people. Not to mention, there are subtitles on the other videos in Maca’s channel so there’s no reason to think this one won’t have them as well.