i have never wanted a fic more, than i do stepril!! i remeber reading “childhood friends to enemies to lovers” on fandoms where the characters are like 30 and not even canon. come on fic writers, if we can conjure up childhood/teenage personalities/plotlines for people on their 30s, surely we can do this! please. anyone?
Aww, I’m sorry I took so long to reply but I actually went and checked ao3. When you sent this, there would have been 16 fics in the tag. There are now 91, so that’s not terrible!
But I super get your point, this is ripe for fic, it’s left in that perfect place where they’re separated but it’s the kind of conflict that you can play around and work with. Sometimes canon leaves characters SO far apart it’s like, okay, it’s gonna take 90k words for them to even be in the same room, and other times–and I find this HARDER, where they actually have no conflict at all, they should be together and just…aren’t? Like, how do you handle that in fic? “Hey, we should be together.” “We should.” The end. Post-s1 Stepril, you have so much juicy material, and all kinds of ways they can get back together or carry on a secret relationship, or have April react to Sterling putting her dad in jail (that might take 90k words).
Lmao at your comment about how people write HSAUs for characters in their 30s, or say, when they’re warlords in a dystopian future? I remember getting into discussions about why there were so many HSAUs and wondered if it was just people wanting to write away from canon, but, for example, Glee had a ton where they stayed in school. I think it’s that a lot of fic writers actually have experience with high school, sometimes recent, so it’s easier to write what you know, as opposed to hospitals or mysterious warehouses. Even if you haven’t been to American high school, there’s so much media out there based in it and it’s easier to research. It’s also interesting to write as a stripped down archetypey version of other worlds. The popular kids, the nerds, you slot people into simplified positions and try to replicate their original dynamics with way lower stakes.
Though I guess the really good fic, even if it’s a HSAU, goes beyond the basics, because like, look at the world of TBH. Sterling and April are somehow both the popular kids and nerds, and the stakes are certainly higher than they might be. Even if you start with this relatively simpler setting, people are complex. I haven’t really looked at the actual fics yet, but I assume most are canon adjacent and not like, doctor or rock star AUs.
TBH romances are so well written and acted! the awkwardness is real. it reminds me of the cutthroat honesty of Sex Education, but a little more PG rated. Which, I guess is also more age appropriate. I hope Netflix doesnt fuck this show up, especially since it got stuck on a cliff hanger
The awkwardness was SO well done, but I’m grateful it was always at a level where I wasn’t just covering my face in secondhand embarrassment. It was like..endearing, first love stuff. ^_^
I’ve never seen Sex Education but when I was making my friend watch TBH, she also compared the two. Wish it had that kind of popularity though, lol. You sent this quite a while back but no real progress has been made on the renewal front since and you can see the cast trying to promote it recently, which to me means it’s still up in the air. It truly would suck to not get at least one more season to resolve all these open threads.
You think the forehead touch and the hug got you invested in queen maeve and elena? watch the deleted scenes of this season… there’s a deleted scene that you will find very relevant to your interests… if you’re on youtube it is at the end of all the other scenes ;)
Oh, no, I was already invested, I just liked that scene anyway. 🙂
And oooh. I think you meant for last season, though, right. So many deleted Maeve scenes, whyyy. When she already has so little screentime. The one with the mirror and Homelander was so creepy, every scene with him feels like could go in any direction and its ominous af. And ahhhh, you weren’t wrong! That’s a great scene, and I was gonna wonderr why they cut it but given where s2 picked up with them, I guess it would be weird if this had happened. But I was still disappointed they didn’t show Maeve moving the couch at the end, lol.
I know your first impulse is to despair. To say we’re fucked. To feel desperate and hopeless. I feel it. We all feel it.
But Notorious RBG would not have wanted us to lie down and accept defeat.
She’d have wanted us to fight like hell. And that’s what we’re going to do.
Call your house rep: Find them by Zipcode
Script: “Hi, my name is ____ I am one of your constituents. I am calling to ask Congressperson ______ to go on the record saying they will respect Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wishes as well as the precedent set in 2016 to not nominate a new Justice until after a new president is installed. Thanks for your time.”
Call your senator:
(202) 224-3121 Capitol Switchboard
Don’t know who your senator is? Find your senatorScript: “Hi, my name is ________ and I live in (STATE). I am calling to ask Senator ______ to go on the record saying the Senate will not hold hearings on any potential replacement for Justice Ginsburg until after a new president is installed, per Justice Ginsburg’s last wishes and the precedent set in 2016. Thank you for your time.”
I really wish people would learn how our government actually works, because it’s a big part of the problem.
Don’t call your reps. They have nothing to do with SC appointments. The SENATE confirms nominations to the Supreme Court. Also, RBG’s final wish will not be a swaying point for any republican planning on confirming the nominee. It has no legal basis. Precedent, on the other hand, is a tool with which to bargain. Mitch McConnell set the precedent in 2016. It should be followed.
Do call your Senators, but not through the Capitol switchboard. The staff there is not responsible for speaking with constituents and your calls will fall on deaf ears (if you can get transferred to their office at all). Call their local offices. Their numbers should be easily accessible. E-mails are also good. Also contact their campaign offices (which should be separate from their established Congrssional offices within the state, but aren’t always) if they are running for re-election. And make sure you are calling YOUR senator, and not someone else’s. Also, make sure you use your own words, not a script, and do what you can to call during business hours and speak to a person. Voicemails do not always get listened to. The point of calling is to fill the time of the people working in the offices and bug the bejezuss out of them. Call during regular business hours.
Phone calls will also be much more effective once a nominee has been named. Then you will have concrete reasons why you want them to oppose the confirmation, as opposed to just not wanting a conservative judge confirmed.
Harley Quinn got renewed today! S3 baby!
when mourning a Jewish person consider “may their memory be a blessing” or “may their memory be a source of strength” instead of the Christian “rest in peace”
This might sound minor but seeing someone’s cultural identity erased and flattened immediately after their death strikes me as less respectful.