When the show found out about Lu and Mei’s relationship, the china crew leader mentions that she found a slip of paper with her handwriting on it, which I found kind of strange because it could’ve been written by anybody from their crew. Do you think they said that to move the story on quicker or were there too few crew members from the China team to have pinpointed it directly to their only astronaut representing the country?

Well, I figured it’s like any handwriting, it can be pretty distinctive? Is that not the case? Especially as Lu’s a talented calligrapher, I’d imagine her writing for an ILY would be prettier than what most people could manage?

What exactly is the storyline for lu and mei? I keep seeing gifs of them

Well, I don’t know how much detail you want, but basically, as I said, the show is about five international astronauts on a three year mission to Mars, with of course some extra focus on the family back on Earth of the lead of the show, the American. Who is Hilary Swank, I mean, she is the big name here.

But anyway, Lu is the Chinese astronaut and is married (to a man) and has a kid. There’s a lot of cooperation between the different space agencies so this particular team’s communications liaison at the NASA command center is a Chinese woman named Mei. In flashbacks, we see how Lu and Mei met and bonded and fell in love and how they didn’t act on it because Lu couldn’t do that to her husband, or son or country, being the whole face of China on this historic mission and all. In the present, after the mission’s started, they’re found out anyway and Mei is transferred to a different position away from the team. Lu is frantic to reach her to make sure she’s okay and finally is able to talk to her for a bit and their arc ends on a hopeful note but for now that’s the last we see of Mei.

They only really get the one episode (ep 3) but it’s so romantic, they center the other person and care about them and what matters to them in such a respectful, loving way. Like, I can be pretty judgy on endings, right, and I didn’t love that Mei was sent away so quickly, but what we got of them, they got me. The actresses really sold the emotion of it, the way they both openly accept they’re in love and how there’s that awareness in all their interactions. I just liked it. 🙂

Let me see what spring is like – Chapter 1 – MinaMauveine – Away (TV 2020) [Archive of Our Own]

Let me see what spring is like – Chapter 1 – MinaMauveine – Away (TV 2020) [Archive of Our Own]

Hello I love your work ?❤️I recently saw a German movie called Bonnie and bonnie and I found it really beautiful and I was wondering if you could make some gifs about it because there aren’t any other on tumblr. Thank you in advance ?

Hey, anon, sorry but I don’t really think I’ll ever get around to watching this one. I haven’t even watched movies I’ve been interested in and this looks, from the genre and ending, not really my thing? I’m sorry to respond so late just to say no, but. Honestly, you asked so nicely and I feel bad saying no…if you messaged me with very specific moments/scenes, maybe I could do those?

If we do get a 2nd season, which I really hope we do! (and to the people reading this that haven’t yet please go watch TBH you won’t regret it) how do you think Blair’s relationship with April is going to change and vice-versa since they both know what’s up now

Oooh, that’s definitely one of the most interesting potential arcs for s2. Like honestly, even in this season, it felt like we didn’t get enough of a reaction from Blair when Sterling revealed they were hooking up. Like, April? April “good girl fellowship leader sex blackmailer whose father they put in jail” Stevens?? I know she was all caught up in the end of the season drama with her own fight with Sterling and Miles and the mama drama but that little reconciliation outside Bowser’s place when they were talking about Miles and Luke and April, how was she not like, okay, but how? When? Why? Sterling’s putting on lip gloss for APRIL STEVENS?

But anyway, I understand that pacing and the season arc had other demands. Fine. Now that it’s a new season, though, and she knows…I think even if initially she thinks April broke Sterling’s heart, that’ll be resolved quickly enough that they can give this new dynamic some time. Something so massive happened to Sterling, to Blair as well but at least her parents are still who she always thought they were. We don’t even know if Sterling will know who her father is. Both Blair and April’ll be on the outer edges of that, I think it’ll give them a chance to create an unlikely bond. Maybe not immediately but at some point in the season, I fully expect the two of them to hang out together without Sterling.

Like, I suppose it’d also be fun drama if it’s the three of them but I can’t see that happening immediately, except perhaps extremely awkwardly in school or maybe even church, with Sterling holding Blair back from going after April. For her part, I think April’ll try to keep up a bit of a front like before, probably more polite and with the knowledge that Blair now knows, maybe dropping it in her concern for Sterling. The worst thing would be for April to barely be included in the eps that focus on the family drama, but given the situation with her father, she still has a major part to play. Once she finds out, I think she’ll be mad at Blair, but most of her ire’ll be reserved for Sterling, who’s the one she actually counted on to be open with her. 

Ideally, I’d like for a little friendship to form between them because, like, Blair is honestly the sweetest kid and April has had to put on this facade for so long and underneath is like any other kid. And both care about Sterling so much, they have this major thing in common right off the bat.

Just wanted to clarify, as I think I was one of the folks who talked about Sterling thinking this was all a trick by April- I wasn’t thinking that was ever actually the case, more wondering if that dark thought ran across Sterling’s mind when she saw April flirting with Luke. That their whole thing had been some twisted head game April played with her. Obviously that got cleared up later outside. But I think she coulda thought it was a possibility given they were enemies less than a week before.

Ah, I’m answering this so late all the relevant previous asks are weeks old by now, but yeah, I assumed the anon was referring to other comments out there? Your ask hadn’t come across as implying it was an actual trick, just the possible perception of. 

And honestly, thinking more on it, since I just giffed the scene where Sterling leaves the lock-in, the way she’s legit angry and going, what’s wrong with you, there’s this genuine confusion at what exactly WAS going on, so it could definitely have been a fleeting possibility, not even necessarily that it was all a trick, but that April was playing weird mindgames with her, the April she knew a week ago wouldn’t have flirted with Luke either.