Oh, lol, hmm, I didn’t watch the trailer so I came in mostly just knowing it was an astronaut show and immediately associating it with For All Mankind, which is definitely a character drama but also filled with a surprising amount of science and astronaut action.
This show is less that than I’d expected, especially after a pretty tense sequence in space in ep 2, that seemed to have been the exception from a more schmaltzy family and character based drama, which I don’t always love, but it’s what gave us ep 3, so I can’t complain. I do like things like how each of the astronauts represents an existing or rising space nation, their different roles, the friction between them, and I love both the female astronauts a lot.
Hey all. I’ve finally bitten the bullet and created a fundraiser for the final step in my transition. I haven’t really been able to reach any kind of audience before, but my hope is that circulating this as much as I can will help me inch closer to a final goal. I’m poor, working-class, and without real ability to even create a savings account to save money.
I have been binding for 12 long years and I am getting tired of the physical pain and mental discomfort. I really, really want to feel like top surgery is a possibility.
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I desire very deeply the final step in this process – I feel discouraged and broken whenever I see that many others within two years of hormone treatment are able to somehow afford top surgery and live their lives in peace. After a nearly fatal beating at my job, I have realized more than ever that I am in danger every day I continue to rely simply on my hormones. I want to be safe and I want to be finally comfortable in my skin after so many years of hiding.
Please help me if you can by sharing this.
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Ahaha, and then I tried to picture you as someone I love and respect? APRIL, why are you like this. She really was like, hello, fellow heterosexual girl, you look amazing! That’s what straight girls do, right, compliment each other on their looks to boost their confidence! And then unable to continue the charade for five seconds.
Although there might have been a bit of truth in that, the way she looked her up and down… Honestly, Sterling did look good that day.
Oh, I’m like that about songs too! Except I actually tend to not know any songs in general till I hear them on media so that’s my first and only association with them. I have this whole list of songs I just associate with f/f scenes. For Stepril it’s not just Slow Burn but that Hit It Hard song from ep 7 too, lol.
But no doubt, Slow Burn is definitely their song, ughhh, including ep 10. :((( April’s face in that sceeeene, like, I think because we see so much of Sterling’s interiority and Maddie has such a ridiculously expressive face, in contrast we tend to picture April as someone more in charge, knowing what she’s doing, but her expression showed how she’s also just playing this as best as she can with what she has.
Oh, lol, okay, thanks. I didn’t really think they were, figured that’d come up but like, that was a LOT of female/female bonding and centering. ? Usually modern media cuts down on that or familyzones them specifically to stop this kind of overt shipping. But I guess they don’t really have to care, given no fan movement can touch them.
Hee, well, okay, what do YOU think of it, anon? I honestly just giggle when I see it, it’s just so surprising and fun with all these layers. Like, on the one hand, they’re these super inexperienced Christian kids, right, doing their little Christian project, closeted, nothing can be put out in the open, but you also have Sterling explicitly so horny for April and it is PALPABLE.
And like, the aim to please, she’s saying it half-joking but it’s literally what she is, this good kid people-pleaser of the highest order but it’s also this proud little acknowledgement of her efforts to win over April since the debate tournament, wear her down with sheer friendliness, and like, yay, progress! Progress because she wants to DATE her.
But god.
I don’t think any of us, Sterling included, expected that drawn out “Noooted”, it’s just April being her bossy, overbearing self, but it’s so unintentionally aligned with the way Sterling has been approaching this convo. I think she’s caught off guard by how much it played into her little fantasies, lol, because MAKE NO MISTAKE. This kid has been fantasizing about April and is not at all opposed to her bossy, overbearing side and it was just this odd little intersection of the two and she sharply looks over and swallows as she realizes that no, April didn’t really mean anything by it beyond their usual dynamic.
In a season filled with a lot of favorite moments for just this ship, this remains in my top few just for its sheer rewatchability value. The first time we’re here, it’s all nerves and anticipation and even worry for Sterling, rooting for her but afraid of how quickly she’s running into this. And there was some relief that there’s obviously some thawing on April’s part and even a BIT of optimism, but god, on rewatching, and knowing Aprli’s this super intense lesbian and that underneath this tentative little interaction they’re both canonically starting to see the other in a new light and developing raging crushes on each other, it’s just SO much fun
Hmm, while it’s possible that April puts all those points together and is surprisingly understanding, aside from the fact that it’s a TV show that seeks heightened drama, there’s a difference, I think, between an impersonal response that only looks at the logic and facts versus one that reacts to the emotion of the situation. Given who this involves, it would be extremely natural for April’s initial reaction be to the betrayal of it all.
And that’s what it would be, it’s not just that it’s her dad, or that Sterling technically never lied, or even what their relationship was like when it all went down. She’d be mad that it was Sterling who did get extremely close to her, who she told all her secrets to, who kept this from her. It would hurt on THAT level. It doesn’t matter that she was mean to Sterling and Sterling didn’t use it against her, that doesn’t get her bonus points when it was Sterling who chased a friendship and then kissed her. She totally bared her soul to Sterling about it all! Who throughOUT the show, has expressed concern and sympathy because of her father’s situation, all the while she was the one who secretly caused it, like, this isn’t about the father, this is about April and Sterling.
And in fact, if the show somehow does subvert some of the dramatic expectations and has Sterling tell April about it, that would very much change the equation, and April’s anger might be a one or two ep arc instead of half or full season.