These 2020 races will decide who controls the Senate. Can former Democratic governors top GOP incumbents? How vulnerable are Republicans like Lindsey Graham and Susan Collins? Check the cheat sheets.
Cornyn is scared. He’s been running very left leaning commercials, where every other Republican is tacking as hard right as they can.
September 19, 2020
As close or even favorable as some of the polls were for these races yesterday, take nothing for granted. While yesterday has caused a frantic push from the Ieft, this will galvanize the right. They’re this close to abortion rights being back on the table and possibly being repealed, they will show up. The Senate is the government body that confirms Supreme Court justices so these races are truly vital.
I tried looking for an ActBlue group that had these 10 and the closest I found was this one that’s currently pretty popular: Get Mitch or Die Trying.
Mitch’s own opponent in Kentucky, Amy McGrath, is actually not in it but that’s probably for the best, because sadly she’s so far behind that just doesn’t seem a good use of money.
I’ll list out the differences between the ActBlue group, which as of right now is 13 candidates, and the photoset above. Each name links to the individual’s donation page if you want that instead:
In the list above but NOT in the ActBlue group: Mark Kelly from Arizona – That astronaut dude, husband to Gabby Giffords, the congresswoman who was shot. I assume he’s not in the ActBlue group because he’s actually got a bit of a lead, but as I said, assume nothing. [ETA on 2020/09/20: I’ve been informed he isn’t in the ActBlue group because his campaign has plenty of funds. Of course, this is one to still keep an eye on, given that because this is a special election, the winner of this one’ll be sworn in earlier than the others.]
In the ActBlue group but NOT in the list above: Gary Peters from Michigan – The incumbent with a slim lead that he’s fighting to hold. Doug Jones from Alabama– Although he’s the incumbent this seems a long shot. He only BARELY won last time because his opponent was Roy Moore the pedophile. Barbara Bollier from Kansas– The incumbent and slightly trailing in her polls. This one’s interesting, she was elected as a Republican and became a Democrat? Like, I don’t love the former Republican part but she seems to favor Medicaid expansion and funding schools, that can’t be all bad. The kicker? She actually thinks climate change is a big threat and, you know. Believes it exists. Her opponent? “I’m not sure that there is even climate change.” Raphael Warnock from Georgia – There’s already a Georgia race above, this second one is a special election because the previous Senator stepped down for health reasons. Warnock’s opponent will be Kelly Loeffler, who’s been holding the job since she was appointed by Georgia “governor” Brian Kemp (who stole the election from Stacey Abrams in plain daylight). You may remember Loeffler from her greatest hits of part owning a WNBA team and making a big deal about how they shouldn’t support the BLM movement or possibly when she learned about covid19 from private briefings in January and instead of warning anybody, ran to do some insider trading.
ETA on September 21st:
Looks like Mike Espy from Mississippihas a chance as well. His opponent made jokes about lynching just a couple of years ago and just barely won a surprisingly tight runoff. He’s running against her again and the polls have them very close.