Yo Biden just announced an infrastructure devolopment/clean energy/environmental justice plan and it’s honesty pretty fucking amazing and much more ambitious than I ever would have expected from him, goddamn. He’s trying to Eisenhower/New Deal our way out of the economic collapse.
Some notable points addressed by this plan:
Expanding American railway systems
Fixing the crumbling roads, bridges, dams, etc. that haven’t been kept up
Capping abandoned oil wells
Undoing Trump’s financial bailout policies for unclean energy companies
Reinvesting in American-made automotive companies
Getting America to 100% clean energy by 2035
Fixing air, water, and ground pollution issues that disproportionately affect poc
Getting justice for victims of environmental racism
Reinstating a bunch of environmental and medical jobs Trump had cut
Getting the US back on the Paris Agreement/Climate Accord
For those who were wondering what the point of voting for a leftist candidate was, if the leftist didn’t win—this is it. Biden is trending leftward. That’s what we want him to do. He wouldn’t be doing it if the left hadn’t shown itself to be a real force.
I know that the work is never done and all that, but I think we can count this one as a win.
please god vote. register ASAP. check to make sure you’re still registered because they’re kicking people off. look into your states mail in ballot laws
I don’t like the guy, and I doubt if most of this would actually get done, but please, it’s better than the guy actively dismantling anything good we have and pushing us backwards
even if you’re in a state that swings dem and you think your vote doesn’t matter, it does. the popular vote tally means something even if the system is broken. Hillary got millions more votes and that was the voice of the people. vote even just to add to the tally of people against Trump because you know the numbers will hurt his vanity
And for all the “lesser of two evils” people out there who think a Biden victory means rewarding the Democratic party’s ongoing rejection of the left wing of the party, reminder that the alternative, GREATER of two evils, is THIS:
A new policy change to prevent trans women from accessing homeless shelters is teaching people how to police gender presentation and physical features just so the country can legalize a new way to get away with killing us.
This is the shit we would have four more years of if Biden loses.
Shelter workers may use “factors such as height, the presence (but not the absence) of facial hair, the presence of an Adam’s apple, and other physical characteristics which, when considered together, are indicative of a person’s biological sex,” the rule says.
If a homeless person appears too transgender for a homeless shelter, the shelter is allowed to ask them for proof of “biological sex.”
Biden wasn’t even my fifth choice in the primaries. But we have to focus on the general now. There are only two possible outcomes this November. We’ve seen how one of them turned out for us, and we all know damn well it’s only getting worse, and getting worse faster. Do not forget that the other outcome is not just about Biden; there’s an entire Democratic platform that comes in with him, along with a complete 180 in White House staff, federal appointments, judicial confirmations, etc. And the judicial confirmations ALONE are a huge deal. If you are somehow NOT convinced that Biden would be better for us than Trump, I need you to understand the existential threat of these words:
Losing Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat to another Brett Kavanaugh.
Do NOT let your ideological purity put us through THAT.
Anything lesser than the evil we have now is a rejection of how far right the Overton Window has been dragged the last few years. Don’t forget how much we stand to lose if we don’t live to fight another day.