Oh, thanks for the info! And the little BTS tidbits. Relying on Georgia…doesn’tttt sound like the most encouraging option. I wonder if they might decide to film elsewhere if Georgia doesn’t get its act together or if it’s Atlanta or nothing.
Yeah, they really didn’t give it a chance in the promo department, even WN I’d heard of in the weeks leading up to the premiere, probably because the title and premise were so wild, and the trailer played it up, the kind of thing people passed around half as a joke. I wouldn’t have known about TBH at all if I hadn’t looked up new shows dropping that day.
In general I agree that posting on Twitter drives up engagement and shows interest so I’d advise that for people who want to work toward a renewal but also watching it on Netflix, if they can, helps loads.
And another anon:
Noooooo!!! Apparently Maddie and Devon did a live but no one recorded it, such a shame ? (hopefully they do more in the future) id love to see what they have to say about their characters
I know! I missed it too, only caught a clip somebody uploaded, which was pretty lol-worthy, but it’s awesome they did it at all. I kind of love that moment after a new ship drops and the actresses suddenly realize, oh, this is gonna be popular. And then there’s that nice period where it’s all a mutual appreciation society (we won’t talk about the dreaded final stage). I wonder if they’ll do official promo together, given they DID have a core storyline and a lot of the fan interest has been around them. But as the above anon said, there’s really been so little official promo for the show at all, including with just Maddie and Anjelica.
Ooof, yeah, the lost season. So unfair, and at least now it’s because of something external (although the US’s handling of it didn’t have to be so poor), back then it was just people not coming to an arrangement about money. So much potential art lost, so many careers shuffled into different paths. Capitalism, huh. Well, it’s capitalism that’s stopping these shows now too, they could have just waited it out. It all sucks and I really feel so sorry for people in creative fields right now, to see so clearly how much they’re needed and providing the content we’re consuming but who’re provided even less support and resources than usual.
I do think it’s very much related to covid (and their greed, so like, they’re still not entirely innocent in this) and while those shows have LGBT rep, pretty much all their shows do at this point, so I don’t think that’s a factor.
As I saw somebody point out, it’s most likely that those shows were the ones that should have been taping soon and Netflix didn’t want to eat the cost of continuing to delay, so in that sense, TBH (and WN) are definitely luckier. If this continues well into next year, then that’ll be bad news for TBH (and many other shows–maybe at that point they’ll have to rethink their decision-making).
Ohhh, I definitely see that one. I wonder if…maybe that’s who I’ve been thinking of. I don’t think so but very close.
And another anon:
bRUH people saying april looks like ava from warrior nun are fully glossing over the fact that she is IDENTICAL to maggie rogers
I’ve only heard of comparisons to Camila but let me see this Maggie Rogers. Hmm, I guess I see what you mean, especially when smiling, but this might be another case where you have to see ‘em in motion.
And another anon:
Blair reminds me of the actress who played Spencer Hastings from PLL
Hmm, I get that one, like, if you blended together several faces to get Blair, Troian would be one of them.
PSA: Nichelle Nichols GoFundMe for Elder Abuse- Not the full story
There is a painful story going around right now, asking for money to support Nichelle Nichols on GoFundMe.
I hate, hate, hate having to go all tabloid reporter and dig into the personal life of a hero, but there are two conflicting stories about who is actually the abuser. As a result, it’s not 100% clear to me whether the GoFundMe will actually benefit Nichols or harm her.
Story A: Nichelle Nichols’ family set up the page on behalf of her son Kyle Johnson’s countersuit against her manager Bell, alleging Bell is living in a house on her property and siphoning off her money. Johnson claims his mother has dementia and Bell tricked her into making him her conservator after she was mentally incapacitated. There’s a link on the GoFundMe page to the actual text of the countersuit.
When I googled around checking up on this, I found news articles suggesting a different story.
Story B: Bell was the conservator Nichols chose because she had a falling-out with her son. Nichols’ friend Angelique Fawcette claims Nichols was still of sound mind when she appointed Bell, and that her son has been making the “mentally incapacitated” claims for years without a doctor’s verification while trying to move her into a nursing home against her wishes.
Also, allegedly, Johnson stopped letting friends visit her and tried to stop her doing activities she liked. Bell sued Johnson to stop him from taking conservatorship of his mother, allegedly acting on her wishes.
In the above article, Fawcette claims she and Nichols made the following interview as a precaution in case the situation deteriorated. Fawcette says she went public with it after the screaming argument out of concern for Nichols.
But, on the other hand, while that GoFundMe page is raising money for Johnson to countersue Bell, it was set up by Nichelle Nichols’ younger sister Marian Smothers, who has just gotten involved.
I do NOT know whose claims are true. I do not know which story to believe. I am not a lawyer or a judge or a legal expert. I’m just a fan trying to figure out whether I should donate to this GoFundMe or not.

Anyway I’m making a PSA for other Uhura fans who may see the GoFundMe link somewhere without knowing the context. ?
As expected, the GoFundMe had now gone viral both on Twitter and Tumblr.
For what it’s worth, fellow actors Chase Masterson and William Shatner also sided with Nichelle Nichols against her son gaining conservatorship of her, as reported here.
WARNING: includes distressing tape of Nichelle screaming in protest when her son takes her away against her wishes, after she says, “he is not the boss of me” and “get your hands off me.”
I think we owe it to Nichelle to listen to her wishes and her words.
So before you donate to that GoFundMe, please listen to Nichelle’s own stated wishes in the two videos above. Then click on the legal document linked to on the GoFundMe page to see what your money will actually be used for: a conservatorship battle to decide who has custody of her. Note that none of the money raised by the GoFundMe will go to Nichelle Nichols.