One of the things I noticed after watching TBH for the 10th time (I know, I’m obsessed) is that, before their first kiss when April goes off about liars, Sterling really goes out of her way to make sure she never does it when it concerns her. First example is when they plan to meet up at Fun Zone and Sterling tells her how she told Blair she was tutoring that girl. She states that she did it for 10 painful minutes so that way it wasn’t a lie. Same thing with the water bottle she left behind.

Omg, you’re right! Awwwwwww, that is the cutest. Because she WAS lying a lot more freely earlier, but in front of April, she took pains to make sure even the white lies weren’t lies. I didn’t put that together at all, but I’m genuinely awwwing out loud here, anon. 

Someone asked you how S&B could communicate telepathically if they’re not twins or siblings but if you shearch a little bit on the internet you would find out that twins that have kids, their childs share the same DNA or almost the same, so that makes them siblings or half-siblings even though in reality they’re knows as cousins. S&B also grow up beliving they’re twins so that’s help them to be even more conected with each either. Basically they have that telepathy cause they really are siblings

That is a very cool bit of info but is even being technically siblings enough for a twin bond? It might just be the closeness, so I’m actually afraid that it might disappear next season, now that they feel so separated, and then maybe comes back at some pivotal point. I’d actually much prefer it just stays throughout and gives them at least that solace.

*Spoiler Teenage Bounty Hunters* This whole Blair situation is really sad. When she was describing herself to Miles and says “depressed” like oh man how is this news going to affect her.

Yeah, it’s going to be tough! It’s going to shake everything for her. Sterling too, but Sterling will be occupied not only the lies and massive changes, but dealing with a new mom. Of course it’s going to be a huge loss to her too, the people she thought were her parents weren’t, her twin isn’t even her sister (putting aside the technicalities of identical twins having kids) but mentally, she’ll be pulled in a bunch of different directions and will be busy dealing with that. For Blair, this is a net loss, all she has to dwell on are changes that are taking things away from her. A new aunt off in jail is hardly enough to make up for a lost other half. 

A few days ago somebody asked off anon if I thought the parents treated Sterling differently because they were afraid she might stray like Dana, and I was like, nah,  they treated her like any parents would the child they had higher expectations of. I was the one who was wrong, it turns out, since interviews with the showrunner reveal that the parents did overparent their adopted daughter, maybe not necessarily for that reason, it was mostly likely a combination of being more careful and trying to “make up” for…everything, but Blair will certainly now remember the difference in treatment and realize why and question it. 

Is it just me or was one of the TBH writers a Gilmore Girls fan and April and Stirling their shot at writing that Rory Paris fanfiction come to life they always dreamed off

To be honesttttt. Maybe? 

I mean, really, the good girl with the great family who everything seems to fall in place for, including the academic accolades, and then the strident rich girl with the loveless home trying to compensate by being super ambitious and overachieving who people don’t warm to and who resents the other girl for seemingly easily getting everything she had to work so hard for? I don’t know of any screenwriter for a girl-led TV show now who wouldn’t have at least watched Gilmore Girls, soooo. I mean, we’re joking, but like, it’s possible, it’s so tropey and fun and right there. I cannot believe the journey they went on, canonically.

You know what I wanna see in season 2? Jealous!April. I SWEAR, let’s hope a girl flirts with Sterling and April gets fucking jealous

Noooo. Why! In ships we tend to want someone to get jealous so they see what they’re missing and act on it but like, April already knows and can’t act on it! She’s the biggest victim here! 

Oh, wait. Unless you mean they’re already together and April sees some random girl trying to cozy up to Sterling and marches over and eviscerates her. I wouldn’t mind seeing that, lol, and I feel like neither would Sterling.