April from TBH reminded me SO MUCH of someone but all I could remember was the name “Gia;” I couldn’t remember what show or movie she was from. Turns out it’s Full House! Sterling doesn’t remind me of anyone looks-wise, but her voice always makes me think of Laura from Carmilla. (You can publish this if you want to.)
Oh wow, I’m impressed you were able to actually remember the name and then draw it back to the character. I could never (apparently!). Ahhh, the attitude definitely makes the resemblance stronger.
Oooh, looking up vids of Carmilla (I only ever saw a few minutes of it, years ago D:), I hear that.
And another anon:
As i was writing Blair’s name it felt like I’d called her the wrong thing before and i guess i was right sorry for the confusion lol
Lol, no worries, just glad it got cleared up. But there was still another anon who thought you meant April and agreed…. =_=
what does sterling means by “but people change back” with luke? is it bout april become her enemies back?
Oh, you know, that’s a good question. I didn’t take it that way but I guess it is kind of hazy, let me work out how I immediately took it and moved on.
Let’s see, if you remember the conversation in ep 7 when Sterling and Blair were on the stakeout with Bowser he implied Michelle could have changed and things could work out this time and Sterling latches onto that and is like, does he really think people can change, in the context of April. And then of course after that, for a brief few days it feels like everything has changed and is so perfect. So when Luke says, if you gave her a chance, you’d be surprised, people change, I think to Sterling, it reminded her of how she had actually experienced all that, but now it was all over. To me it was about the situation changing back, that April had “changed” back into how she was before, too afraid to even be in a relationship.
And also, since Sterling’s next line was about missing Luke and then kissing him, you could almost see her trying to will herself to change back into the person who was happy with him. Ultimately, I read it as a lament that she’d gone on this whole journey and things were back to her and April not being together and was all that change, forward and then back, worth the hurt.
I’ve been watching 3% after you made gifsets. I have mixed feelings about it. But I reaalllyy like Joana. I also think she’s the best actor on the show.
Oof, yeah, there’s just a lot of…you know, suffering and even death, but Joana makes it all worthwhile to meeeee. The way she really like, grew to be the heart of the rebellion and of the show and of course with her smart, supportive gf at her side… <3
Sorry to send another abt this but i was really thinking what was I thinking about jodie comer and blair but i’m looking at her now and can say definitively the reason i think this is her forehead and eyes! Maybe her bone structure a little bit but it’s just the eyes and forehead are very striking to me idk
Actually her cheekbones as well
You’re really focused on this, anon! Wait, Blair? I thought you meant April this whole time. Yeah, I can see Blair more easily, sure, lol.
And another anon:
TBH actors just look like themselves ¯_(ツ)_/¯
The more we watch, the more they do become the “original”! I’ve basically stopped comparing and just see ~them~ now.
Are you planning to read Harrow the Ninth?
Oh, definitely! I even preordered the special signed sprayed edges version from Illumicrate because I can’t resist a special edition but it’s still sealed. D: I’m still stuck on the current books I’m “reading” and TV is just so tempting instead…