Matthew Rhys yelling always scares me lol I still get chills from a certain scene in The Americans where he rips the Bible up. Whew it was terrifying, he’s such a good actor lol
Oh, I haven’t seen that, but I can believe it! Maybe that’s why they keep writing in these scenes, heh. And like, I’m predisposed to like Perry, even, often he IS super nice to women and especially Della and Emily and Lupe and listens to them and they matter to him, but then he pulls stuff like this. They don’t have to hit such low lows to make the highs seem higher, you know?
(This can be published) The scene in Warrior Nun ep 1×04 with the chainmail veil deservedly gets a lot of love but I wish there was more appreciation for the brief scene about a minute earlier when the guard in Arq Tech approaches Sister Beatrice saying “I don’t want to hurt you…” and Beatrice responds, with /total earnestness/ “And we appreciate that!” before knocking him out with a single jab to his windpipe
Ooh, then they all just tied him up and dragged him off, lol. I DO love that too!
Honestly, that whole Arq visit revealed so much about Bea, starting from when she faced Lilith down in front of the others. You really get the feeling that she genuinely values her work and the order and the church and has true faith. She doesn’t want to hurt people if she doesn’t have to, never more than she needs to, she’ll take lead and send off the others when she can. I really help we delve more into her background aside from her sexuality (although that too).
I was re-watching Warrior Nun as one does when they’re obsessed with one particular show. And the club scene always cracks me up. Where Ava sees that couple kiss with the pill in their mouth and she decides to do that with JC but someone bumps into her and she accidentally swallows it lmao
Omg, lmao, I never caught that!

Her comedic timing…impeccable.
Just finished summerland and I’m crying in a good way. It will surprise you and it’s not even a little bit about homophobia nor racism. It’s a warm movie. It’s so refreshing to watch a movie that has the main characters as queer women and the conflict in the movie isn’t about homophobia.
Aww, I’m glad it made you feel that way, anon! I was going to say that I didn’t think it was entirely free from homophobia, but tbh, that really had nothing to do with the main conflict, so agreed.
I think what I like about the movie so much is how much it’s for us. So often, media featuring marginalized characters has them suffering for the benefit of other people, so THEY can watch and, you know, Learn and Sympathize, and like, I understand the intention, but aside from being unsure it even works, it just means it’s for someone else. But this was entirely for us, the way they met and it jumped ahead, knowing we’d understand, the conflict as it came up, it didn’t need to be delved into detail, and then of course the ending was so much more for us than the people who need to be explained to again how bad it was for historical gays. There can be conflict and angst and tension without giving us a full dose of in your face bigotry.
Do you think is important that when Bea was talking she wasn’t facing Ava until she says “something you love”?
Huh. You know…
Okay, like, she does alternate between staring down and looking up at Ava, but there’s a solid chunk of 20 seconds when she’s just speaking to the table in front of her and then she really does look up directly at that line

Like, given how Bea’s side of it all–her background AND her feelings for Ava–is maintext, it’s honestly possible it was deliberate?? The scene as a whole, the mix of looking up and down is probably KTY and the director making those choices, meant to convey at what points Beatrice is more thinking out loud and speaking to herself than to Ava, at what points she’s remembering, at what points she’s actually speaking directly to Ava, gauging her reaction, but this one, yeah, anon, maybe that is deliberate. Not even on the part of Bea the character, right, she’s just caught up in this all, but from the POV of the show, yeah, maybe, just maaaaybeeee.