
the USPS is now REMOVING MAIL SORTING MACHINES. the shit is hitting the fan. i need to reiterate that signing petitions or texting a number that sends an email isn’t going to cut it. dont send complaints to louis dejoy’s office or any bullshit like that. don’t waste your time. people who live in the US need to CALL their Senators and House reps. you need to post about this constantly. you need to make a big deal about this with friends and family. get them do it too.

if you want to save the USPS i am BEGGING you call your representatives directly to DEMAND they co-sponsor and vote for:

1. the Delivering for America Act (call HOUSE reps). This attempts to reverse the bullshit Trump is doing.

2. USPS Fairness Act (call SENATORS). This is a MAJOR repeal of the bullshit the Bush admin and the Republicans did in 2006 that fucked over the USPS in the first place.

3. HEROES Act (call SENATORS). This is the coronavirus omnibus that includes IMMEDIATE USPS relief. Make it clear you want the USPS portion to be included.

in the scene where mary goes out in front of the group for the adriel fight, she kind of shuffles ava and camila out of the way and i just noticed that beatrice is reaching out to touch ava when that happens ugh my heart

Oh, hmm. As much as I’d love for that to be the case (I’d never deny an extra Soft Avatrice moment), I feel like she’s reaching for Mary?


I kind of love that too! That she also instinctively wants to protect Mary! Each character has a specific, distinct dynamic with everyone else (except Camila, who kind of only has one with Beatrice, lol, hoping that changes next season!), so even though Mary is the Badass, Bea still feels responsible and protective. I love that. :>