Because of who Sterling asked for relationship advice (and that threesome joke there was on the show with April) Do you think they could go down a April/Sterling/Luke road? Thoughts?

I mean….I never rule anything out because at the end of the day, these aren’t people with their own thoughts and wants, they’re fictional characters the writers move around for maximum entertainment and drama, so I can’t say that they might not go for some super ill-conceived awkward threesome but even then, I can’t imagine it’d be for any purpose other than to show how awful an idea it would be.

For one thing, the show’s made clear that April’s a lesbian and that she’s actually okay with it. So I don’t know why she’d even do that. Even if there’s some attempt to basically conversion therapy her, or something for appearance’s sake to put her dad off the trail, that is the absolute worst message the show would want to go with. Secondly, even if it were like, uh, a V, so no April/Luke, the show has ALSO made clear that even though Sterling is most likely bi, she’s not actually in love with Luke, at all. If she can be with April, there’s no need for her to be with Luke, she only kissed him because she was heartbroken over April. She’s not equally torn between the two and can’t choose. Like, if the April/Sterling leg is on, as harsh as it is to say, there’s no need for the third point. Also, lastly, even if it WERE for appearance’s sake, a threesome would be super scandalous on its own in this community and would not actually fix anything they’d want fixed.

So yeah, it’s possible, but then so much would have gone wrong with the writing to get to that point that I’m not sure I’d care specifically about that anymore, you know?

Thanks for all the gifs you did!! Omg the Doritos scene! I only noticed how Sterling changed her breathing when April had her hand over her but did not notice that she actually tried to take a sniff to smell April with the eyes closed and everything!?? Hahah my baby gay By the way, is there any chance you gif more twins scene! I love how they being supportive of each other. Thanks! And I love that anon’s interpretation of their 5th grade.

You’re welcome! She really had a whole experience, she’s lucky April was so distracted–well, not that April would necessarily have minded.

I doooo have plans to gif twins scenes, I don’t even count that last scene one for them, but I honestly don’t even know where to start, they have so many great scenes in every single episode, it’s such a great relationship, I love them. If you had requests for individual scenes, I can at least push them up my list, but there’s just so much, it’s hard to really know what to focus on.

And heh, which anon, there are like at least three different interpretations. 🙂

Aaaah that ending of TBH?? I really hope we get another season and that sterling and april can get it together, they have so much chemistry. Also hope they let april come out on her own terms (when she’s not living with shitty parents maybe..)

I knowww, they really set up so many open threads. Definitely hoping we get another season to at least wrap them up. Including April and Sterling, definitely, and yes, I don’t really expect the writers to let her stay closeted the whole season but I hope she’s not like, outed against her will or something.

And another anon:

Teenage Bounty Hunters re: “wildly different interpretations” about the junior high incident reminds me of a passage from a book I’m reading. “Do you think it’s possible to ever see the past as it actually was?….I see the past as it actually was.” “But we overlay the present onto the past. We look back through the lens of what we know now, so we’re not seeing it as the people we were, we’re seeing it as the people we are, and that means the past has been radically altered.”

Whoa, anon, getting so deep! But you’re probably not wrong, each is looking back with all these other interpretations and layers since, April continuing to process and learn things about herself, Sterling thinking of herself as the victim of April’s supposedly irrational attacks. Neither is probably fully right or fully wrong.

And another anon:

(1 of 2) Ok, finally finished the season, and I think the next ep, when April says when she crushes, she crushes hard lends credence to the different interpretations of the situation. I think April took the “she’s in your group now” way too personally, and compared it to the situation like the one she had with her friend in 2nd grade, that she did something that freaked Sterling out and now Sterling was pushing her away. I really want this to be renewed now to see this further play out. (cont’d)

(2 of 2) Like I’d love to read an angsty fic showing what was going on in Sterling’s head during the lock-in when she saw April with Luke. I mean, maybe she was thinking April was scared and trying too hard to look straight, but given their enemy status before, she could also be thinking, was this all one big cruel joke? It was actually only a couple days that passed, so was she wondering if April had played some sort of twisted mind game on her until they talked it out later?

Oh, that’s possible, Sterling being one of her Adeles, and thus putting a whole different and very personal spin on what seemed like a rejection. And for real, it’s interesting how something they both seem to now have gotten over still has blown up to these mythological proportions in the fandom and we want a s2 followup. Who’s right, what happened? It’s a mystery they set up and then were like, oh well! 

Oooof, I didn’t even think about THAT. That would be the CRUELEST joke and I think given their convo outside that’s not where she landed on, but it’s possible, it’s certainly possible, she was confused as hell and that could have been one of the options that flew through her mind. She’s SO new to this, she has no idea how to handle any of it, or what’s normal or at least common.

And another anon:

I took the 5th grade moment differently. I think Sterling repressed what she did because maybe she did have feeling for April even then. It’s the same year that she began to date Luke, who made her feel “normal”. April obviously couldn’t control her crushes even as far back as 2nd grade. Maybe Spencer felt that. I’m hoping this comes up again in season 2. Love your analysis.

Hmmmmmm, interesting, that’s also possible. I think they’re gonna land on Sterling being bi but they’ve also pretty explicitly highlighted how much it is April and just April that, at least for right now, gets to her in a certain, uh, way. Possibly this crush DID exist earlier and she tamped it down, maybe. It’s hard to say any which way but I’m not sure if they will continue it if they get a s2, we seem to be making more of it than they did. 

And thanks!

Screams about the music choice when Sterling steps down from the fellowship

Lol, I was like, I don’t get what you mean and then ohhh, Kacey Musgraves’s Rainbow. And this was in ep 2! The foreshadowing… Obviously the assumption at that point was oh, it’s just to like, reflect her general struggles or whatever but now we knowwww. I’m glad that they honestly didn’t give ANYTHING away that it was gonna be this requited ship until that lock turn in ep 7, not even a hint in the trailer or the promo I saw (which wasn’t much, tbh). I appreciate that.

Omg, so you noticed it too! (I thought I was going crazy) But April did get hotter once Sterling became interested in her and their conflict got resolved lol Oh! and speaking of the Dorito moment I kinda saw that as Sterling being attracted to April even when she was going through her lowest point (e.x Sad cause or her dad, Dorito in hair, etc) and as you mentioned her styling kinda changed. It’s sad they didn’t stay together I think Sterling could’ve been a big support for April

She did look different! More ponytails, the school polos and button-ups seemed gayer, lol, the casual woodworking and painting outfits. 

And aww, you’re right! April entered the room looking messy as hell and they literally did the choral clouds parting music for when Sterling saw her and sighed dreamily:


And then had Sterling proceed to be SO mesmerized while April sat next to her acting like a wounded badger. April in any form for her, I guess.

For sure, I wish they had ended the season together, but I don’t at all think their story is over, not least because her dad will play a part. And yes, it’d have been nice to see April’s support through the family drama but I don’t think they were really in a place where April would just be there as a partner and offer support, where Sterling’d vent and April’d just be like oh wow, that’s wild. That’s not good TV drama, right, conversations work better when people are bouncing info or arguments off each other, especially these two, so I think maybe the family messiness will be more effective if it gives them a reason to reconnect, like Sterling’s acting out or feeling especially abandoned/alone, something that gives them an actual arc. I dunno, I can tolerate a lot more on TV shows as far as drama and TEMPORARILY unhappy ships go, as long as there’s some kind of journey and movement and preferably pining and thinking about the other.