random but it seems like the umbrella academy writers picked up on the fact that a lot of people just don’t like Luther and decided the solution was to lean into how stupid and pathetic he is, and you know what, it kind of works
You know, I honestly wouldn’t be shocked if that’s exactly how it worked out. What irritated me and presumably others wasn’t even that he was acting so self-righteous and horrible but that the narrative was reinforcing it. The other siblings called it out but in the mildest of ways, they still went along with his plans. And that’s what really annoys me about oafish white men leads, where everything they think and feel is centered, even when they’re horrible, their growth and development is still central, at the expense of other characters’.
But the second season really did seem to pull back on that. It worked in two ways, by making him less intolerable and then by elevating the other siblings to a more equal level, especially Vanya. Like, I’ll usually go along with the narrative, but something really rebels in me at this kind of character getting such unearned narrative power, but this second season, when the narrative was inviting you to gently mock and sympathize with him, I was like, I guess. Heh, I mean, I’ll never love him, but I really left the first season loathing him to a point where I was unsure if I’d enjoy this season, but luckily it didn’t work out that way.
Sterling looks like a Jes Macallan to me
Ohhh, but like, different evolutions of the same Pokemon? Maybe when there are so many thin blonde white actresses, there’s just gonna be a lot of overlap.
And another anon:
Sterling kind of looks like Sydney Sweeney in certain angles, and April looks like Angourie Rice from Spider-Man!
I can see what you mean by the first one, but the second, tbh, she also reminds me more of Sterling, not so much April. Well, looking at more pictures, maybe like, a mixture… Hmm. I mean, it just goes back to the point above, the overlap.
i think a really underrated scene i haven’t seen enough people talk about was when sterling facetimed april after her fight with blair. april was really sweet about comforting her and didn’t panic even though she asked her not to tell blair. plus she took sterling’s ‘let’s come out’ spiral in stride or at least until her dad showed up at the door
I know! I was literally just reskimming through ep 9 and caught that again and even though she was so freaked out about anyone else knowing, AND that Blair reacting badly would just increase the chances she’d tell someone else, she saw Sterling was upset and just focused on reassuring her. Their short moments in ep 9 were pretty great, tbh, and you could really see, in their interactions with other people, that they were considering themselves a unit.
Warrior nun season 2!
Aaaaah, I just saw! Omg, so now we no longer have to talk about s2 as a hypothetical. I’m nervous…but excited!
felt SO bad for sterling in episode 10 i mean jesus talk about having a bad day. also, blair’s “no” at the end when she held sterlings hand just about broke my heart
Seriously, whatever else everyone was going through, it wasn’t alllll this together.
There are a bunch of asks about the ending and I was gonna do them as a batch but I was just watching random scenes before bed and ended on the finale and man, the way it built up, with the mom going, I gave you everything you asked for but I wasn’t going to let you take my daughter and Dana smirking at that and you JUST HAD THAT INKLING WHERE IT WAS GOING, all the previous moments starting to come together, when she “knew” to pick up Sterling from the lock-in and was so oddly proud and was like I guess it’s mother’s intuition, and then asked for a hug.
AND THEN IT WENT INTO TWIN VISION, for characters other than Blair and Sterling and it was like, well, of course they’d have it too, and then their convo and the audience knowing what was coming, and Debbie and Anderson, and then heartbreakingly, BLAIR realized before Sterling and as you said, that “No” and reaching out for Sterling’s hand before Dana dropped the bomb. Aaah, it was so well done.