i watched teenage bounty hunters a couple days after it was released, not knowing about the gayness that was about to ensue. and when the ‘threesome’ line from april happened i just got this really intense feeling so i checked the tag on tumblr to prove my hunch and boy the scream i let out that day. i love winning

😀 But THAT’s what made you catch on?? What is the significance of the threesome line to y’all, I had just thought at the time the show was making fun of April for being so tightly wound. But I like, I did expect something, but hope was honestly dwindling away until Sterling broke up with Luke and then it was like, hm. Hmmm. But 6+, I did not really think that was gonna happen. Not that way, at least, lol.

Omg that second to last gif of the Doritos scene gifset!! Did Sterling making that kiss mouth when she keeps looking at April’s lips!???? Hahaha I love how her eyes keeps going up and down looking at the eyes and the lips hahaha Bless whoever invented gif!! We see more small details that we missed while watching Thank you thank you for gifting!!

Can I just say, I love that everyone’s calling it the Doritos scene, that’s literally what I named this clip.


Uh, huh. It looks like it! But I think it was just a little quirk, either she was thinking about saying something to interrupt this tirade (and get April’s attention all back on herrrrr) or she was doing this kind of unconscious mimicking thing with April she seems to do, like touching her hair:


Although, to your point, she’s touching her hair because she’s imagining touching April’s, soooo I guess we’re back to your theory. 😀

Why do you think April was so fast to go back to being mean to Sterling after her dad came back instead of talking it out with her (I mean they did talk it out after but damn! her animosity towards Sterling when they were at the lock-in hurt to watch ?)

I think, aside from the show going for max angst, she just got SUPER freaked about her dad and it was her first instinct, paranoia that even being seen with Sterling would confirm everything anybody was suspecting. Maybe her first reaction had even been to go to her and that would have scared her even more, especially when it seemed like her friends (”friends”) were kind of suspecting something too. She does tend to react first and then settle down, like with Luke, as she then did with Sterling, but it’s hard to shut down that first instinct. 

I JUST finished watching TBH and omg that cliffhanger :0 I really wonder how Sterling’s story is going to go for next season? (Really hoping they get a season 2!!) April once said Sterling always got her way or at least that’s how it looked like to her but now things have been flipped and she’s probably at her lowest point so I wonder how that’s going to affect her in terms of not just her relationships but also her personality…

Haha, yes, that cliffhanger! They really did pile EVERYTHING on her in that finale and I do very much hope we get at least one more season to round off all these major revelations and storylines.

April’s not wrong, tbh, Sterling had been leading a CHARMED ass life until this point. When you compare them, Sterling’s got a twin sister she really gets along with, kind parents, a loving bf, everyone seems to like her no matter what, she does well academically, while April’s stuck there already being an intense and competitive kid and just made worse by the realization she’s gay and the wall she’d had to put up because of that. She has no real friends, just lackeys, and however close she was to her dad before, she still knew how homophobic he was and had to protect herself from that. And at the time, it was funny, but remember how when Sterling was straight up confessing that she and Luke had sex, EVEN THEN that somehow turned on April. I kind of loved that after the twins started the rumors and April caught on and zeroed in on Sterling, they put a freaking halo around her:


And April knows that on this one, she’s absolutely the one in the right. I can WELL understand her frustration and resentment and wonder if that wasn’t also a part of how much the rift grew.

But anyway, ouch, all that seems like it was setting up the harshest of falls. Now she’s lost everything, the only thing that didn’t happen was being outed. Getting dumped, then kidnapped, by the “aunt” your mom’s lied to you about for your whole life, at gunpoint, tied up, and then worst of all, no twin, wrong parents, charmed life gone. I don’t know, man, where’s she gonna go from there? Who’s she gonna live with–whose car is she going to get into to leave the junkyard, to start with? And you know, I mentioned April not really having friends, but Sterling doesn’t either, outside Blair. Is she gonna avoid her? But then she wouldn’t have anybody to talk to and the show kind of needs her to process this and show us her reactions. Maybe they’ll get her a therapist? She definitely needs one! With this show’s track record, she’ll probably vent by telling Ellen everything in the first minute of season 2.

I don’t know, she’s such a sweetheart, she may just go quiet but seemingly be okay with things only to explode later, instead of getting angry at her parents–at the Wesleys–right off the bat. She may visit Dana in prison, that’ll open up some storylines. I’m not sure if it’ll be made public, even if people know who Dana is, it doesn’t have to be revealed that she’s Sterling’s mom. But however it goes, however tough it all is, it’ll be a period of growth for her in the end, she’ll get through it and she and Blair will come out stronger, that’s just the show. But I don’t really know how those first eps will go, especially with juggling Luke and April and April’s dad and the bounty hunting. 

But you know, this is one of the things I SUPER love about having central wlw characters, where that becomes part of the main arc. And in fact, for this show, with its strong religious themes, I mentioned this before too, but the show is literally better off for including this very relevant nuanced plot point for these particular characters and for providing this super organic reason for why Sterling would keep a secret from Blair and actually choose to hang out with someone else. This isn’t tokenism or trying to think of what to do with a character but built into the actual storyline. It’s something that’s a major part of her and will affect and be affected by all the other major storylines. It could be that April ends up being the confidante, although she may have even more reason to choose the “easy” safe option Luke is. We’ll see, I hope!

My coworker is a doppelgänger for Blair. Like no joke you can’t tell them apart. Obviously I can’t prove this but trust me ?

Man, what is it about this trio of actresses that’s making people find all kinds of similarities. 

And another anon:

do you ever find yourself disliking a ship/character because an actor looks like someone you know who you don’t like? (i ask because sterling’s actress looks EXACTLY like a girl i know in real life who is, well. a massive homophobe :/ )

Honestly, not really. Most people I know don’t look like celebrities, heh. That sucks but like, I think if you watch enough you’ll be able to compartmentalize. Technically, these characters aren’t even like their actors, who they literally look like.

And another anon:

i have been racking my brain for who april (devon) reminds me of for days now and i think i’ve got it. rebecca ferguson from mission impossible. 

Hmm, this feels like the Sterling -> Jes Macallan comparison, where like, maybe a baby version, lol.

And another anon:

Sterling kinda looks like Aly from Aly & AJ when they were younger

I guess I can kinda see that. The nose, right.

hi i don’t know if this will make sense but i just want to share it with someone. i recently finished tbh like 4 days ago and has been rewatching it again after. then i only realized this morning how powerful the implication of sterling, blair and even april on their complete acceptance of their sexuality and them being ‘right’ with their God. i was born & raised in a very devout catholic family and even the thought of masturbation or sex trigger alarm bells in my brain. (1/2)

(2/2) i’ve long accepted that it’s not to be ashamed of but the conditioning and the feeling still lingers. it was a mind blowing moment for me, when i realized the complete freedom they exude in regards to these topics. the belief that, in the eyes of God, who they are is right and is nothing to be ashamed of.

That makes complete sense and you’re right, it is so powerful! Honestly, now that you mention it, I’m wondering why it didn’t really register with me as significantly as it should have. I try to focus on the meta aspect, right, not just what it’s like in the story but outside it, as I definitely did make a super big deal about the pressure on April to come out. 

I guess maybe I glossed over it because on some level I still saw it as a very liberal satire more than a genuinely religious show? But now that I’m turning over that theory too, like, it is a gentle satire, sure, but it’s not mocking actually religious people, just the extremes. There’s nothing at all jokey in the show’s treatment of Sterling and April’s very real panic at being outed, and that also was something I related to very hard. Or maybe it’s because I never actually had the religious reconciliation problem myself, I didn’t struggle with–in my case–Islamic beliefs about being gay, I actually went the April path, all well, if I am, that’s on God, so like, not my fault.

But no, no, you’re right, it is so valuable to see these relatable but still sincerely religious girls, with not just the knowledge of the Bible and…all the rest of that, but the belief in it and the genuine acceptance to let it in and influence and affect them, to still be like, it’s all good. They didn’t withdraw from their beliefs or make trade offs, or have to interrogate it within themselves, debate it out, try to accept it with their head but still wrestle with it in their hearts, choose one or the other. It is very cool, that comfort. 

Thanks for sharing and making me think about this aspect!