What did you think of that scene with April and Luke? (The one where he tells her he’s like halfway to being angry with Sterling) I don’t know why but that scene felt kinda awkward, I mean it’s so hard trying to read April during that scene because on the one hand I didn’t feel like she was jealous I just felt like she was just telling Luke to move on because she knew Sterling wasn’t into him anymore but it also felt like she was doing it because she Felt bad? I don’t know?

Oh, it was awkward but I think it was meant to be? Sterling’s previous and current love interests talking, except only one of them actually knows! And is freaked as HELL about the other even suspecting. 

I’m not sure why those things have to be mutually exclusive, that she was telling Luke to move on because it was, well, true, and better for all three of them if he did, but also feeling bad–not at them breaking up, that happened before her, but I think at the subterfuge and listening to him talk to her as a friend about Sterling and his hopes of getting back with her while she’s secretly hoping for the opposite. I think that final “I get it” and then turning away in frustration was because, what can she really say that doesn’t seem two-faced and manipulative?