boocita I’ve been bingewatching WN on your recommendation and when ava made it through the training wall after facing her fear bea really looked at her like she was ready to break her sacred vows ?. also i thought shannon / mary was legit canon from the first ep i thought it was so weird nobody explicitly referred to it bc it seems hella obv and intentional??

I don’t know anyone by that name. =_=

My recommen–I did wh–it was no such thing! Unless you’re liking it? Then yes. 🙂

Haha, yes, after the training, that was the closest thing we got to anything canon. I mean, it IS canon one-sided at least, for now. Break her vows, lol. I’m kind of tickled at what research must be going into writing the fic for them. “Does a kiss–does another woma–does it have to be…hmm.”

Yeah, Shannon and Mary, I think all the viewers were like, uhhh, that’s clearly something, but it seems the writers weren’t intending for it. Just ended up a combination of the writing needing to sell that friendship as transformation for Mary and then Toya really leaning into the physicality We might still get some flashbacks next season that elaborate on that, now that they know people are reading them that way, and also, Mary was a lesbian in the comics, and I LOVE Beatrice, of course, who doesn’t, but I also don’t like the idea that lesbian characters are interchangeable or that they removed a Black lesbian. It’s not as if all the characters are completely new for the show, Shotgun Mary was a character in the comics. Just something I’ll be looking to, though I don’t know which way they’ll go and it won’t be a deal breaker if they don’t stick with it, I’ll just be disappointed.

What most funny for me is that sometimes Ava looks like a toddler and is very, VERY cute; but in other moments she is ultra hot(see the scene when she takes off the habit)

Yes, all jokes about her resemblances to other actresses aside, Alba Baptista did an amazing job embodying all the different parts of this character. Honestly, I think we do kind of get distracted by how hot she is, she is very much the typical pretty thin white lead, for sure, and as you said, when she dresses up or is all serious like in the cool girl walk after taking off the habit, it’s right there, BUT, Ava is a freaking dork

Everything she thinks and feels is right there on her face, and a lot of that is just curiosity or naivete and she’s just cute in those moments. And come on, nobody who makes those puns and then like, wiggles her eyebrows to make sure she gets a laugh is a Cool Girl.


Not Sister Lilith selling me health insurance on Tumblr ?

ooo what’s this perry show? is it any good, i saw tatiana maslany is in it

Honestly, I’m not loving it as a whole. >_> It’s a reboot of the original Perry Mason show, which aired all the way back in the ‘60s! But that was a legal drama, here, they’ve made him a private detective. My own memories were of catching reruns of not the original show but the TV movies they made with the same actors many years later but I still didn’t even watch those, I just saw some old guy in a court and that was it.

History lesson aside, this is HBO so of course it’s Prestige, with the money to match. They’ve changed the time and set it back in the ‘30s, investigating a baby kidnapping/murder. It’s not just a mystery, right, there’s a lot of setting the scene and supporting background work. Tatiana Maslany’s character is an evangelical (based on the same real life person Kerry Bishe’s character in Penny Dreadful: City of Angels was) who offers some of that color, and is supporting the dead baby’s mother.

I’m finding it gorgeous to look at but not really particularly compelling, otherwise. Yet, anyway. Della Street is the secretary of the lawyer who keeps Perry hired, and is pretty independent-minded and awesome, so her parts are cool but she’s not anywhere near the lead, so. This fourth ep was the first with any details about her background, and they weren’t much.