Do you know of Skins? Emily and Naomi. It’s super old now, but was a big thing for me growing up gay lol.

It’s not that old, anon, heh. Who doesn’t know Naomily, of course, but oh, oh, this is a good example to that anon who was like, oh, I’ve never seen you post non-canon. I mean, I didn’t watch until after the peak Naomily years, but I was more into…Keffy. >_> I don’t know why, something about their dynamic spoke to me. Maybe at the time I wasn’t really ready for real coming out arcs. But yes, of course, Naomily are iconic and important to gay media history in general, as well as to so many of my friends.

How are you liking the show Hanna?

Tooooo be honest I’m not sure it’s really justified its existence. The original movie was so good and fun, not just for its premise or action (or the amazing actors) but because the execution was so perfect, the music, the colors, not explaining much, Sophie’s…everything. 

The TV show, okay, so it went at least far beyond the story of the movie, it needed to do that, but…I dunno. The mystery from the movie helped it, if anything, finding more about the program that created them isn’t something I was particularly invested in. We’ve all seen the Bourne movies or similar, it’s not going to be anything new. 

I’m not loving it as much as you would expect me to love a show about a teen girl assassin and then even more teen girl assassins. It just takes itself so seriously. I think that’s my major problem with it, my favorite moments are when it lets loose and has fun. I don’t hate it, at all, and I enjoyed the second season more, for a variety of reasons, but it’s not at the top of my faves list at the moment.

Following what the creator said in that interview, I think Beatrice/Ava is gonna be one side. Still is amazing

I’m gonna jump around a bit the remaining asks a bit because I wanted to answer this now, which you sent some days back and I assume are speaking about his answer in the VIFF interview + Q&A? Where he said Beatrice’s feelings are clear but Ava is, well, that’s the drama for next season? And tbh, I didn’t read that entirely optimistically either, it actually didn’t promise anything.

But in today’s interview with Variety, he was asked about the queerness (or lack of it) in this season and this is what he answered:

There’s definitely something there with Ava and Beatrice [Kristina Tonteri-Young] in the sense that, Beatrice openly admits she’s gay and that’s a part of her journey and part of our story. Does that define Ava? Well, that remains to be seen. I mean, we have more seasons hopefully to tell the story and that will be an ongoing journey, not something that is easily defined in one scene with one life, you know? Um, and I don’t think we want Ava defined by a singular thing any more than we want Beatrice defined by a singular idea. In regards to a queer character or whatever, we don’t want them to be defined by that. We want them to be defined by who they are and let their sexuality and let their relationships and let their journeys be included in that. We never tried to paint any character with just one defining characteristic. By defining Ava and Beatrice too quickly or too irresponsibly, we could kill it and ruin it. And I don’t want to do that either. So for now, let’s just say we are open and exploring, much like the characters are.

That seems more optimistic, tbh? Like, as much as he can’t give away the plot, he’s implying more. Of course, he could still mean nothing at all, in which case, lol, I hope whatever they do decide is handled really incredibly well, considering we’re not the ones creating polls about the ship name. 😛

A Teenager Didn’t Do Her Online Schoolwork. So a Judge Sent Her to Juvenile Detention.

A Teenager Didn’t Do Her Online Schoolwork. So a Judge Sent Her to Juvenile Detention.