Do you think that after the recent interviews with warrior nun creator is Avatrice really going to happen? 



I honestly really don’t know. It could really go either way. Obviously they’re super aware of it and hopefully are going to be careful how they approach it, whether or not they do it, but it could come down to anything. Whether someone in the writer’s room is a strong enough advocate for it, if there’s NOT other major f/f they think they’d be repeating while they’re brainstorming, if some Netflix exec thinks they should do it. 

They do seem, in these interviews, to be leaning more and more toward it, but I just really could not say one way or the other till s2 actually airs. 


Aisha Dee on the need for diversity behind the camera, in the writers’ room, make up/hair dept, etc. and this highly offensive Kat romantic arc.