I’ve seen Nile/Andy shippers and I get it, but I have to go with Andy/Quynh. I was already getting more of a ~vibe~ from them while watching and immediately after went and looked up the comics. I really, really would love if they somehow gave them a happy ending, like, how can you punish someone for being angry after THAT? I could not imagine anything crueler. Just strip Quynh of her immortality and let them live their lives out in peace. Even if they have to “die” together in some faux bittersweet poetic ending and then get a little stealth epilogue like in The Dark Knight Rises where Nile sees that they’re still alive.
Oh, anon, I did watch the first season but unfortunately couldn’t really get into it. I appreciated individual elements but it just wasn’t coming together for me. And I have heard that the second season changes things a lot, but I just couldn’t put aside the first season enough to try.
But I can’t imagine I could say or gif anything that hasn’t already been said and giffed for this show, so many people love it so much!
They just set up the big finale and then stopped right before it! You’d think even if they wanted to go for a cliffhanger, they’d let the battle progress more and stop when everyone had taken some major hits and were on the verge of losing. I thought maybe it was a budget issue but apparently Simon Barry said that when he took the script to Netflix, they were like, how about stopping it a little earlier? So maybe it’s an encouraging sign, where it’s kind of implicitly promising a second season already (unless the show does abysmally, which it doesn’t seem like it’s doing?).
Unless you meant the whole final reveal, in which case, never trust a fictional angel. 😛
Oh, yes! I actually almost wish they’d shown if not her actually picking it out, then a a reference to it, as a parallel to when she was trying to pick an outfit in ep 4.
Look how uncertain she looks, that nervous little gesture, and this was after she and Chanel talked about deciding her style so this is supposed to be her big moment.
But compare that to the confidence here!
She kept the jacket! But she really made this outfit her own, a mix of what the nuns wore, incorporating the chain mail throughout, the longer tunic, but also giving it the leather jacket aesthetic she adopted when she finally started taking charge of her life after Mary left her at that town. But it was definitely also just like, urban fantasy chic and super hot on her, lol.