Omg, that’s recent! I dunno, man…that experience…was freaking messy. There was so much going on behind the scenes, I don’t know if people would be willing to just move past that and get into a sequel. It’s definitely interesting, though, if only to see how they’d approach another show like that, given that they had a first chance and did THAT with it. Well, it HAS been five years, hopefully things have progressed since. Although things have been going on politically in the Philippines that aren’t generally encouraging, so you know.
Heh, if by everyone, you mean two people, then yes! Thank you! I do try to keep on the lookout for the undiscovered pairs, it’s fun to stumble onto them and then to share with people. 🙂 I have a bunch of popular ships too, of course, I just like what I like, I guess, but I do try to keep some variety going, for my own sake and attention span and (completely inaccurate) sense of fairness as much as any kind of aesthetic or blog theme.
I don’t know that undercover marketer thing, although it does sound so ‘90s. Undercover marketer for the internet gays sounds pretty spot on. 😛
I get that, anon, and I didn’t take it at all badly, I considered your points and then decided my approach. Although it did end up mostly unchanged, because I’d need more evidence of specific posts being scams to not donate, I did get what you were saying and why.
My hope is to do as much as I can, so I don’t really think, oh, since I’m donating to this person, I won’t donate to that person. I look at each on its own merits. In a way, being too careful might also keep money from those that need it too, right? And I didn’t mean to make that last post’s tag a dig at you, it was supposed to be a friendly, joking comment and I certainly didn’t want to pressure you to donate, you didn’t need to donate to like, validate your point or to be able to send this ask, but separately, on behalf of that person, I do appreciate it! No hard feelings, at least on my end, we just have slightly different approaches is all. 🙂
Oh, lol, to have missed Jathea. It was such an obsessed phase!
I actually didn’t know, until a person I follow started going through them and posting and I was like, oh. Honestly, I was pretty impressed, but also kind of waiting for the f/f, lol. So yes, for our interest is Pearl Next Door, you say? Hmmmm, interesting. Definitely gonna keep an eye on that channel!
Aw, anon! It’s so gratifying to hear that, absolutely thank you for acting on that need! It’s my favorite part about posting. :> You have a great day too!