So I have Questions for the creative decisions behind Harley Quinn lol this will be the last negative-ish ask but I’ve been a Harley/Ivy fan for like a decade at this point so I’m kinda baffled. They really had ivy with kite guy (!!! HIM????) and she woulda gone thru w the wedding & pushes Harley away and we didn’t get a single moment of her internal processes w it all even tho we got a literal song about ocean shit for king shark ??? What is that??? I’m gonna take the win but (1/2)

there is an arctic monkeys lyrics that goes “I’d probably still adore you with your hands around my neck… oh I did last time I checked”

Lol, you can send however many negative asks you want. 

I cannot imagine shipping them for a decade and seeing Ivy as how y’all have described her and then seeing her with this dude. I mean, I can’t imagine THIS character with him. I think we just gotta accept that sometimes they just want their faves and humor and to NOT be serious and consistent and process stuff? I guess? Like that lyric says. As long as they focus on Harley and Ivy in the end, we have to accept the other things these particular people want. Like, I’m already side eyeing what they might do with Gordon, in the wake of the current situation. 

The more time passes, the more I come around on the HQ finale. I had high expectations because I loved ep 12 so I was annoyed that we had a time skip and didn’t SEE any of the fall out. And of course that Kiteface was the one who broke it off – I do wish we’d seen more from Ivy. BUT the ending is just so romantic and lovely! And I’d seen the original car from the BTAS episode in the 90s so it hit me hard! And the colors!! Plus, Ivy’s face in the confession got me too :)

Anon! Honestly, same?? I mean, I’m never going to not wish it’d been more, but I also have been thinking on it and realizing I’ve been judging it a lot for what it didn’t have, like you said, the fallout, more discussion, which, there should/could have been, but them skipping it, them making different decisions and prioritizing different things from what I want doesn’t make a thing automatically bad, right. 

But having said all that as a little disclaimer, lol, with distance, I’ve warmed to it. Which I’m grateful for, since often it can go the other way. As you said, the ending did a WHOLE lot of heavy lifting and will definitely be what I remember from the ep. And maybe that’s because, as I keep saying, everything that came before could have come at any point in the last few episodes, Harley offering something, Ivy turning her down. Once Harley had her big moment in the pit, the narrative became more about Ivy’s decision, and since we didn’t even really see her come around to make it in the finale until that ending (and ignoring that KM jump-started it), it’s really the significant moment from the whole thing. 

BUT. That doesn’t make everything before it unimportant, it was all a part of getting to there. I understand why it wasn’t an immediate decision for Ivy as well, maybe each time Harley helped her or chose her, it lowered her guard a little more, and then her actually saving her wedding and willing to marry them was the biggest sign, how much she was willing to put Ivy first. Like, I can appreciate that even as I have my own different wishes.

i sent in the first post so long ago i actually forgot until i saw it just now in the maya/carina tag, but i’m the person who said i was surprised no one died lol and like yeah quite a few people died in s3 but in greys s4 was when they started really going for the core 5 interns like the MAIN main characters so i am crossing my fingers we don’t lose anyone next season but tbh i’m 90% sure if anyone goes it’ll be jack or Travis bc they’ve run out of stories for them :/

Oh, wow, that was a while ago. But it feels like just the other day too…covid times, huh. Anyway, well, that’s kind of worrying, lol. As we both acknowledged, s3 had so many deaths, if they’re going to start biting into the core firefighter cast, that’s gonna suck. 

I wouldn’t say any character’s run out of stories, but of course that is quite different from the writers having run out of things they want to write for a character. Travis still kind of seems to have something, especially if they keep Emmett, but Jack really was treading water a bit there, mostly to be used for others’ stories. And his bonding with that little family kind of makes it worse, because unless they become much more significant, that’s not plot, that’s a bit of a goodbye. Maya just finished her big story, things are gonna be quiet for her for a while, I assume. But honestly, as much as I don’t care for Jack, they’ve all lost too much and I hope the writers realize that the viewers are themselves gonna be so exhausted and depressed in general, watching more death and grief is gonna suck.

I watched Warrior Nun after seeing your posts and I really enjoyed it! I don’t think I’ve seen another show in the “chosen one gets dragged into new supernatural world” genre that has a majority female cast and have them be what drives the story. This was a round about way to say thank you for bring this show to my attention!

Hmm, maybe one of those random high school movie/shows…that I can’t think of right now. Buffy–but not majority female cast. Yeah, never one with such a quintessential dumbass chosen one, lol. And no problem! Glad you enjoyed it. 🙂

I’m a bit confused because I’ve seen some conflicting reports, but is there any wlw content in Warrior Nuns? ? And if yes, is it more than some token rep? tia!

Ah, the conflict’s probably coming from two different things. There’s a canon wlw character, yes, but no canon f/f couple. It is not major rep, as in, it’s not something that informs the story or has any real repercussions on the plot or any dynamic, but I don’t think of it as token, it is one of the mainest characters and it is a part of her. 

So basically, if you’re looking for f/f romance, this wouldn’t be it, not right now.