Omigosh, don’t apologize, it wasn’t a big deal! I was just, you know, sharing part of the experience, it’s not even an aversion, just…strong difficulty in watching, lol. And I totally appreciate YOU sharing how much you liked it and how it affected you, it’s all good! It’s why I pushed through…for you. 😛 But yeah, sometimes I’m like, should I hold back a not-positive detail because I know people tend to come here for the positivity? But then I was like, this is a personal blog, I’ll just be honest, so I’m really glad you still said such nice things! Thank you!
• Downloading, and distribution of PDF files would be illegal, as well as photocopying books.
• Downloading files for academic investigations would become illegal.
• English, robotics, and engineering workshops would become illegal.
• Costs in education would increase.
That last one is particularly important because sadly, Mexico doesn’t have a great public education system, thus, many people have to enroll into private schools and most of them are very very expensive. Sadly almost half of the population here lives in poverty, in consequence many children aren’t able to go to public schools. let alone costly private schools.
• Amongst the things that would turn illegal too, would be electronic repairing businesses, and only those businesses with authorized licenses could work.
• It would be illegal to add components to electronic devices, such as RAM memories, better processors, amongst others, regardless of the fact that said components were bought legally.
• Maintenance costs would increase as it would be illegal to fix your own electronic devices, even if it’s just a small touch up.
If things weren’t already bad, the way we use the internet would be affected.
• Access to internet would become more expensive, new taxes would be added to platforms as well as media.
• Internet providing services could block the access to downloading images, music, videos, books, pretty much any content that could be found on the internet, including memes.
And last but not least.
Internet censorship.
“If someone points out any post or publication that violates authors rights, said post or publication must be hidden, eliminated, or disabled without previous notice, proof, or any jurisdictional order coming from the internet provider (…)”
Thus anyone, corporations and organizations, could demand for anything to be deleted and there wouldn’t be any reason to stop them as they would protect themselves with alleged authors right accusations.
Overall, our government looks forward to silencing us, keeping us quiet and not allowing us of freedom of speech.
This can have awfully consequences, as we would be silenced for expressing our political views and content would be manipulated to fit a certain political narrative.
369 votes were given in favor to this law, 0 against it and 1 abstention.
I am asking for everyone out there to please share this. My future and many others would be greatly affected by this law, many people could lose their jobs and fall deeper into the ever growing line of poverty that Mexico has.
We can’t allow for the government to keep us silenced and censored.
The original post comes from @/hiimnotlara on instagram.
2 days ago Mexico passed a law that criminalizes internet neutrality. You can even go to jail for fixing your tech devices in your own home!Please even if you r nt from Mexico help us to boost this hashtag we have a until july 31 to do something about it!
Ahhh, okay, I’m going to be perfectly honestly and just say upfront that that kind of thing gives me–not secondhand embarrassment but something akin to it, like, I’m sooo fine with fiction, but a real person’s real words? It just…some part of me rebels so strongly at people trying to put their own interpretation on that.
But, but, putting that aside, for YOU, anon, I did watch it through and try to compartmentalize and it was pretty great! The words were fantastic, like god, what a writer, and of course Jodie Comer is absolutely made for this, honestly it won me over by the end. I miiight have had had to imagine she was playing a different character, though. 😛
This is my friend’s GoFundMe, please help out if you can!
She is a young woman of color who is not feeling safe living with her white partner/his family any longer, due to instances of gaslighting and racism that have been going on for a while now.