ok i started watching warrior nun and i LOVE ava!!! her facetiousn

wow sorry for that incomplete ask. ? butter fingers. i love ava’s facetiousness and the way she deflects with humour. i totally identify with her. and the bitch is funny! and she’s been through a LOT she just wants a chance to live! everyone else leave her alone ok!!

And another anon:

Thanks to you I finished all of warrior nun in one sitting, I have to say I loved Ava idk why people don’t

Yeah! I do get why reactions are so polarized, I guess it depends on what mindset you start with, it can be frustrating watching her run away again and again and just wanting to get back to the nuns vs sitting back and watching her journey unfold. I definitely loved the nuns and was impatient for when she’d rejoin them but I was also okay watching her grow and realize she needed to herself. And she is funny! She’s playful and likes to lighten the mood in harmless dorky ways, I don’t mind that at all.

And nice! It is super bingeable, especially the second half.

Sorry to ask, but I saw you talking about Warrior Nun & I kinda need a rec: I have a big phobia of demons (tnx actual nuns) that I’m trying to manage by watching fiction about them (the result isn’t always great). I was thinking of saving WN for this weekend cause it looks cool, I’ll be alone & get the big TV for myself. Do you think it is safe to watch? Maybe during the day? As a reference: Supernatural/Wynonna Earp demons I handle just fine; with exocist movies I don’t sleep for three weeks.

Oh, hmm. I think you should be okay, for the most part this is very close to Supernatural/Wynonna Earp/Buffy in tone. We actually don’t see many demons at all, and almost every time that we do, it’s this big cool Minotaur looking being and it’s only for a short while. 

BUT, there are these other demons that can effectively possess people and while we see that even less, it might be closer to what you don’t like. Unless I’m missing a part, we only get that in ep 6, from minute 38 to 41. It looks in appearance closer to Supernatural but you know, the possessed scary superstrong thing. It’s over pretty quickly and the whole thing’s in daylight, so I don’t know if it’d be that bad, you can skip through it, it’s not particularly relevant. Oh, there’s another part earlier, in the opening couple minutes of ep 4, but you don’t actually see the demon, it’s just a human behaving badly because of the possession and they run off themselves.

Other than that, I think you should be good! I don’t even know if you need to save it for daytime, it’s not really a horror or scary in general, no jump scares or suspense building unbearably. It’s surprisingly character-based.

Mexico isn’t america, we don’t overpay for pills and its much easier to get them. Everyone in Mexico knows this. If you’re from here you don’t need to do research to know this person is being fake. Sorry if scam artist was too harsh a word, I did not understand it was so insulting.

I’d assume it’s like in Pakistan, but even there, things can pile up, especially if you’re trying to take non-generic new. But I get your point and I mean…maybe you’re right, but $80 isn’t that much.

My comment was more at the “you can pay a scam artist if you want” but I might have read something in it you didn’t intend, no worries. 

She reminds me of Ellen Page and Kristen Stewart.

And another anon:

The actress who playes ava is a combo of Jennifer Lawrence and Alicia vikander to me.

And another anon:

For me Ava looks like the daughter of Brie Larson and Alicia Vikander

Okay, KStew and JLaw? I don’t see it! Brie……….hmmm. Hmmmmmm. Maybe. But it is hilarious how many of us see some kind of resemblance there.

Separadas got canceled ?

Oh, really? I’m surprised and disappointed. It seems unfair to cancel shows in the middle of…all this. And that was so female-heavy, always a blow to lose those.

I mean, you can get prescriptions for antidepressants without a rx in mexico… And even brand names are under $20 a month. But if you want to give money to a scam artist, feel free. Maybe they need money and are just lying about why. Who knows. Oddly specific lies though.

I appreciate the info but then I’d ask, is that for all locations? Would that person know that? Does it apply to their specific meds? And they mentioned other medical issues. That would be my thought process, anyway. That there are a million little exceptions I haven’t even thought of to everything I could know.

But whatever the truth, that scam artist comment is pretty bad faith, anon. I don’t want to give it to a scam artist but as I’ve said, I’d rather take that risk. I didn’t know the rx situation in Mexico and it didn’t even occur to me to look. And tbh, I’d rather pay than go beyond a certain level of basic research. Nobody else has to, everyone should do their due diligence but that’s where I’m at right now. 


hi. i hate doing this again but i’m currently in a very tight situation. my anti depressant refills have been frozen because i haven’t been able to see my doctor in over two years since my medical insurance was taken away. i have no source of income and am only a student. my family also does not support me in anyway and demean me for problems such as these. they make me feel as if i were better off dead and out of their way. my father’s also a bit weary of helping me financially but lol. i also haven’t been able to see my hormone specialist for a tumor i have in my pituitary gland for the same reason. seeing my doctor would help me considering i need these anti depressants badly. i’m not sure the cost of the consultation or appointment but anything will help at this point! aside from all of this, the total cost for my medications each month is 80 dollars. i’ve skipped days and weeks to stretch out my use for a longer time. i understand if people can’t donate but reblogs r greatly appreciated! thank you!

c*sh*pp: $jessocho

p*yp*l: jessxtc

v*nmo: junejess

g**gle p*y: ochoajess58@gmail.com

Ava is really quite and awkward

Sorry, I waited to see if you were going to add more to this, anon, but uh, yeah, she is awkward? Heh. I don’t seem to find her as annoying as so many viewers seemed to so I do feel a bit instinctively defensive of her, but I feel like by the end most people had warmed up to her?