since Aeon Flux I have wanted Charlize Theron to be a gay in an action movie! and I am only watching a few spoilers here, but it seems she wont be kissing any girls in this. (yes, i know we got atomic blonde, but how did that end huh?) yes, I am greedy. I do want her to be gay in ALL movies she plays the main action hero! whatever
Haha, yes, once I found out what was gonna happen in Atomic Blonde, I lost interest.
She’s not explicitly wlw in this, although as I said to a friend, she certainly looks it, and a badass woman with no m/f romance, that’s…kind of ours by default, lol, I totally get what you mean. But there is something subtexty in this that was canon in the comics. There’s still story left to tell and a clear setup for a sequel, so I think there is still the possibility it’ll go there, and if not, maybe that’s for an okay reason, considering literally what we just said about Atomic Blonde. Depending on where it goes. 😮
And another anon:
Really hoping that any potential Old Guard sequel doesn’t pull a ‘I want to kill you’ because Misunderstanding™️’ plot
I mean, is it a misunderstanding? If she’s mad that they stopped looking, that’s kind of true. Whether it was immediately or some years after, I don’t think that’d make much of a difference to her and I get it! God, cruelty in what she suffered…
And another anon:
The Old Guard was really great. Charlize is usually meh to me but she was great and Kiki Layne is a star! I loved Joe and Nick as well, and I know it’s not a typical superhero movie but I couldn’t stop thinking of those marvel movies where they state after the fact that the neighbour who was in 1 scene was gay or they claim a look exchanged between nameless background characters was because love. That’s good I guess but also lazy, and we deserve more. JoexNick was such a welcome surprise.
It wasn’t good, don’t give them any credit for that! Booo, weakass blockbuster rep, booooo.
Joe and Nicky were great, and the softie that I am, I loved that they just got to be in love through the whole thing, no Conflicts because they were Tiring of Each Other After All This Time or whatever.
I used to be pretty ambivalent to Charlize but lately she’s just been getting more badass and hotter to me, so I’m slowly becoming an actual fan instead of neutral. I loved her in this one.
Kiki Layne was great! She played the full rollercoaster her arc demanded of her so well, coming into her own and making herself a real part of the team in such a short time, all while staying relatable and likeable.
Thoughts on Naya? I’m kinda heartbroken ? I grew up with glee and Santana Lopez meant so much to me
Oh, I’m so sorry, anon. I have the same thoughts as everyone, I guess, what a tragic, tragic thing to happen, somehow made even harder to process because there’s nothing to “blame”, it’s all just a horrible accident.
I didn’t really keep up with a lot of the Glee BTS but I’m seeing such an outpouring of love for her now and it really speaks so highly of her, how much she made people struggling to not feel so alone feel like they weren’t. And it looks like she had found a good place in her life with her son so it feels like an extra hard blow, for them both to lose their future together.
I don’t really have anything to say, like everyone who’d first heard about what happened, I hoped against hope that there’d be a surprise happy ending to it all but that seems increasingly unlikely. I don’t know what the best way to grieve is, everyone has their own way, good luck with getting through this until it isn’t such a present source of grief in your life.
ok so nadia mohebban is super hot lol
She is! I want to see this romance succeed just because they’re both hot and likable, but we’ll see.
For someone who mostly does wlw I don’t see much of batwoman on here, what do you think about the new batwoman?
Hahah, wow, anon. Mostly something is not most of something. 😛 There’s a lot out there I haven’t gotten into (yet).
For the new BW, I have some conflicting if not particularly organized thoughts:
- I’m much more likely to watch it now, I could not get into RR as the lead
- I liked Javicia Leslie in God Friended Me and kind of delight in the providence that let her go from a side character on a cancelled show called that to a lead role
- I’m wary of the CW’s ability to look out for Javicia, given their total incompetence in shielding their Black actors from racist fandoms
- I didn’t like Ryan’s character description when it was first announced weeks ago and hope they sand off some of those edges
- I didn’t watch the first season but picked up a few things and am curious how they’ll introduce this whole new character and ground her and what they’ll do with the other existing characters, all of them connected so strongly to Kate Kane. Especially Sophie, who’s suffered so much, in the show and outside, people being so harsh to her for so long, having earned the right to be a happy, central, liked character
- (Kind of wish they’d made Sophie BW)
Mostly just curious to see how they’ll handle it all, I guess. I understood other people’s protectiveness over the character Kate Kane but I don’t have any investment like that so just observing from way outside it all.
Thanks for being Warrior Nun content! And other stuff as well! I saw a post where someone wish that Ava’s internal voice over would continue (if we get more seasons) with her realizing feelings for Beatrice! Lol imagine that bathroom scene instead of JC but it’s Beatrice. And I’m with you that I don’t see the purpose of him and his crew continue for future episodes (if!) Also, I love how they steer the show that the nuns and the evil corps working together!!! And them being helpful as well!!
Ohhh, if they go there with Avatrice, I would very much like to know her thoughts. Now I’m conflicted, lol. I didn’t really love the voice over because it honestly made things too simple, instead of wondering what she was thinking and being left to interpret it ourselves, she’d just tell us in the most basic of terms, and most of the time we could have inferred it from the scenes anyway. But if she falls for Beatrice….oh, man, I’d love to hear the thought process then.
Lol, I genuinely cannot imagine that scene with Beatrice. That is a NUN, anon! And it’s Beatrice! I’d have to see it to believe it (and yes, WN writers, that is a challenge).
You sent this before some of the recent asks about JC so tbh, I wonder now if his purpose is as the others suggest, to be some Christ like figure? I don’t know how that plays into the version of the world they have, though. I would just as soon be happy with them dropping him from the show once they realized he wasn’t really working, much like they did with the voice over.
And yes, ARQ seemed like the bad guy just because of the usual TV tropes, I perked up at Ava doing something clever and unpredictable like going straight to Jillian, it was entertaining and made sense. But continuing to go to her was a stroke of genius and a nice subversion of that trope.
Alba really looks like a cross between Emilia Clarke and Alicia Vikander to me haha to add a new actress to the mix
Adding to the whole “who does Ava look like” convo, she def has a whole Ellie from the Last of Us vibe. Short, sassy, and in love with a woman.
Oooh, yes, Emilia Clarke, or for me, young Piper Perabo, I can definitely see that. Okay, Ellie from Last of Us is just Ellen Page reskinned, that’s not a new one. 😛 But I will take the “in love with a woman”, heh.