did you see the news about stefania getting promoted to a series regular on station 19? feels like a gift and a curse… more maya x carina but also more time for the writers to mess them up ? also not sure what an OBGYN would be doing on a fire fighter show… i’d like to see carina get developed as a character outside of just her relationship with maya.

Haha, you described my exact thought process when I found out. Like, oh, wow, that’s great! Good for her! But wait, what will Carina do? Literally, as you said, surely that means more Marina, but what’s she gonna be doing in a professional capacity? Will it mostly be personal? If so, that’s…ominous. Please, I’d much prefer a baby emergency every week. OTHER people’s babies, just to specify. >_>

Like, even if they continued as they did in spring, with her spending way more time on S19 than Grey’s, it was’t a lot of time in itself. And it was very one-sided. And I don’t even know how they’d maintain that much unless given a specific arc, I had thought maybe they’d get a bit of a breather. But as a series regular, surely she’ll get much more, and her own growth, but how? As I think we pointed out, she hasn’t even talked to any other character on S19 except Maya’s mom… 

So yeah, my first reaction was pleased, and the upside is certainly way higher, I literally have said, right, S19 already gives her way more screentime, let us have her, but lol, I didn’t really mean it! It was the kind of wishful thinking where it implied they give us tons of good Marina content too and somehow I’m not entirely confident in that. Grey’s has her job and her brother, who’ll have his own upcoming big arc. Maybe she’ll continue to spend more time on both shows, especially if they keep doing crossovers, and it’s just a formality which show she’s the regular on? I saw that Grey’s added two others, maybe S19 had more room for a new regular, especially to replace Andy’s dad. And Marina might end up with her “home” screentime so that made it easier? 

Anyway, heh, I’m certainly intrigued! Interesting times ahead.