I just watched Warrior Nun and I really liked it. What’s funny is that Ava doesn’t even listen to what JCs saying “just keep talking pretty boy” while it seems like she would listen to every word Beatrice would say even if she’d read the whole Bible to her. I think what they’re going for here is a contrast between a nothing but sexual attraction towards JC, which Ava is mistaking for being in love and a much deeper connection with Beatrice on the other hand.

Oh, haha, yeah, I…honestly am still kind of bewildered at how they wrote the JC part of the show, and the voiceovers just made it all so much more puzzling. It seemed like this totally different juvenile show. I’m not sure they were going for that specific contrast, everything Beatrice said happened to be a lot more relevant for Ava’s life, she could hardly be tuning out. And JC was already being dismissed as lust by Mary, when they were talking about her leaving JC behind. 

But yeah, again, as with all the Avatrice elements, intentional or not, they could certainly use them in the future if they so wanted.