Sorry to ask, but I saw you talking about Warrior Nun & I kinda need a rec: I have a big phobia of demons (tnx actual nuns) that I’m trying to manage by watching fiction about them (the result isn’t always great). I was thinking of saving WN for this weekend cause it looks cool, I’ll be alone & get the big TV for myself. Do you think it is safe to watch? Maybe during the day? As a reference: Supernatural/Wynonna Earp demons I handle just fine; with exocist movies I don’t sleep for three weeks.

Oh, hmm. I think you should be okay, for the most part this is very close to Supernatural/Wynonna Earp/Buffy in tone. We actually don’t see many demons at all, and almost every time that we do, it’s this big cool Minotaur looking being and it’s only for a short while. 

BUT, there are these other demons that can effectively possess people and while we see that even less, it might be closer to what you don’t like. Unless I’m missing a part, we only get that in ep 6, from minute 38 to 41. It looks in appearance closer to Supernatural but you know, the possessed scary superstrong thing. It’s over pretty quickly and the whole thing’s in daylight, so I don’t know if it’d be that bad, you can skip through it, it’s not particularly relevant. Oh, there’s another part earlier, in the opening couple minutes of ep 4, but you don’t actually see the demon, it’s just a human behaving badly because of the possession and they run off themselves.

Other than that, I think you should be good! I don’t even know if you need to save it for daytime, it’s not really a horror or scary in general, no jump scares or suspense building unbearably. It’s surprisingly character-based.