Could you post a list of the movies and shows that you plan on watching?

Oof, you don’t want to see that. it’s scattered in different places and would be pages long as just a comma-separated word list. I will say that anything I’m particularly interested in I usually do get around to watching soon after it’s mentioned. Not to say there aren’t surprises where I thought I wasn’t going to like something as much as I did but the longer it stays on the list, the more it gets pushed down, since I add to the beginning and when I watch take it off. Here’s the start of the one I use now, with the movies in bold and any TV show I have at least one ep left of:

Why’d you want to know? Just curious or as like, a rec list? 

I hope you’re right! Honestly i might just be old and jaded lol. I’ve been into this ship for ten years and it’s just been handled so horribly that i’ve come to expect the worst. But i really really want them to get it right this time. I love this version of harley. Ivy is a bit odd sometimes, i don’t really understand her this episode. I hope they spend more time exploring her emotions.

Damn, that’s a lot of investment! I’d be wary too, hell, I’m wary now. If you hadn’t brought it up, I wouldn’t even have thought that’s where they were going, but I guess there’s always a possibility. Some people might think it’s “more” progressive or just flat out more interesting/edgy/surprising, which, can’t rule out that these writers might want to go there. But–and I may look dumb in a few weeks–it seems odd to play it this way if the end goal is, wait, I can be with both people, like THAT’s the big realization here, you know?

Except for her inexplicable interest in Kite guy, I always see where Ivy’s coming from but in today’s ep I do agree, I expected a bit more introspection from her. But I can also see it as the show not wanting to write her and Harley with the same storyline and approach through this and if she actually stops and thinks about it, either the angst they’re having fun drawing out with Kite douche stops or they’ll make her look a lot worse cheating when she could just put a stop to it.

I’m starting to suspect the harley animated show is gonna do the same as the comics, have them be in an open relationship, so ivy can still be with kiteman. I have a lot of thoughts on why i dislike that scenario, but was wondering if you think they’re heading that way too?

Oh, huh, you think so? I dunno, this feels kind of linear and deliberate, a specific journey and tropes and obstacles. If that were what they were doing, I don’t know if this would be the route they’d take? Maybe… I’d hate it, if so, lol.

Still not watched the half of it?

Nope. Maybe once all new content runs out I’ll go back and watch all these f/f (”all”, lol) movies I haven’t yet. A wild weekend of Carol, The Handmaiden, The Half of It, The Favourite, Rafiki, Portrait, Hearts Beat Loud, Signature Move, etc. I’ll let y’all know my thoughts. 😮