Not at the moment, no.
how do you always catch wind of shows with f/f couples? it seems like you always know about newer/obscure stuff :p
I feel like I answered this before, which I’m mentioning only because I seemed to include actual links last time, to various Twitter and Youtube accounts, but yeah, basically some of the shows I watch myself, I like watching first eps, some friends or anons tell me about, and some I see as gifs here or on Twitter or Youtube from the people who tend to collate f/f clips.
I miss stuff, of course, but eventually it makes its way around the f/f community, right. We’re not yet at a point where we’re gonna turn down at least the knowledge of canon f/f, even if we’re slowly coming to a place where personal taste matters and we can choose to not watch because it doesn’t suit ours.
What happened to Juliantina movie and sequel are they delayed? I’ve havent heard an update in a while. Thanks
I think for the moment it’s just the movie and last update I saw they were still working on the script. I think even then, shooting was gonna be pretty later on and I can’t imagine this will help it much.
I remember an anon asking if you know any blogs that are similar to your own and I’d like to recommend @padmaddean Content is not as quickly uploaded as your blog and it’s more gifs than discussions/asks, love the content none the less Hope you are safe and thanks for the amazing blog!
Oh, yes, I’ve seen her gifsets around, she covers a variety of fandoms!
Anything new?
In terms of f/f content? I guess if we’re speaking about new f/f that I haven’t posted much about, there’s (varying levels of spoilers for all):
- Betty on HBO – Four eps in, kind of a laid back look at female street skateboarders, at least two of the main cast, Kirt and Honeybear, are wlw, with side character love interests each
- Hightown on Starz – Two eps in, lesbian lead Jackie Quinones, gonna be compared to Stumptown a lot, for obvious reasons, but the tone is much grittier
- Alles was Zaht, a long-running German soap – This storyline having started building since March, Ina’s already out, Chiara’s image-conscious and going through a coming out arc
- Skam France – Five eps in, I guess, I don’t know much about this, but you know how it goes with Skam, a character focus per season, this season’s main is Lola and I guess she’s having a time of it, from what it looks like, lol, the love interest being Maya
- Homecoming on Amazon Prime – The second season dropped on Thursday, it’s not an anthology series but the first season’s lead was Julia Roberts and it switches to focus on an entirely new character played by Janelle Monae in the second, and while it would spoil a lot to reveal even the premise of the show I will say that Janalle Monae’s character is involved with a woman and Hong Chau, Lady Trieu in HBO’s Watchmen, is in both seasons. It’s not necessarily a happy ending, nor are the characters even particularly rootable, but I chose to take it as optimistic.
- Defending Jacob on Apple+ – Seven eps in, one of the side characters, the lawyer for the suspect, is played by Cherry Jones, lesbian in real life (and Sarah Paulson’s ex), also married to a lady in the show, though we just get a mention of it, but I just thought it was nice 😮
- Control Z on Netflix – A LOT of spoilers on this one, lol: The first season dropped on Friday, a goddamn mess of a show, one of those Gossip Girl/Elite type high school dramas, where students keep getting their secrets revealed to the rest of the school, but one of the first and biggest secrets is revealing a popular girl is trans, and that’s just…mean. To place that on the same level as affairs and drugs and whatever. Maybe the actress, also trans, found it cathartic, obviously no judgment on her AT ALL, not like the roles out there are plenty, but it just feels cruel to put that kind of bullying on a character when it’s sensationalized and there’s so little to balance it out there. And she does seem to have a triumphant arc, so there’s that. Anyway, there’s an out lesbian, Alex, with her own secret (she’s having an affair with a teacher, yeah, like I said, that kind of show).
- Snowpiercer on TNT – Two eps in, plain reboot of the movie, two of the characters introduced in the first ep, Bess and Jinju, haven’t interacted onscreen yet (that I’ve noticed) were making out in the trailer, lol.
- Run on HBO – First season finished yesterday, I guess, also not watching this, but PWB shows up in the last three eps of the season according to IMDB, with her love interest played by Tamara Podemski (who also plays a wlw on Coroner, so yay)
Donyou happen to know if mr robot has wlw content or it is just gay tension between women haha
What a coincidence, I’m actually reading fic from that show right now.
It definitely has wlw content, but ignore the random f/f kiss in the first season between two at-the-time-central characters. It’s actually what made me sideeye the show a bit, but something does develop in later seasons between two totally different characters, messily, but I personally liked how they spent time repairing it in the final season and they were given an open end but pretty hopeful, I’d say, for this show/genre.