i really want javier and raúl to have some kind of hookup or sexual tension damn now that would be good ( and I deadass thought javier’s dad was going to kiss him on the lips when they were walking away the football pitch- that would have been creepy af but i’m all for it

Ah, well, I honestly couldn’t tell them apart at first and I hate Raul so, but you live your dreams, anon.

And another anon (or the same?):

do you like white boys? how is it to be a pakistani-american in the us?

Not especially. And it’s fine, I guess? I’d say I’m pretty lucky and have class privilege that shields me from a lot.


in the wake of yet another black person being murdered by police, here’s a list of relevant fundraisers and organizations that could use your support right now. 

this is specifically a call to action for fellow white people. if you’re white and you’re in any way able to, donate.

  • George Floyd’s memorial fund
  • Minnesota Freedom Fund: “We value a society that values its people, their freedom and recognizes their contribution to the greater good. A society that does not condition pretrial freedom on class or identity, that has ended mass incarceration, and that invests in restorative and transformative justice.”
  • Black Visions Collective, an org that strives to “shape a political home for Black people across Minnesota. We aim to center our work in healing and transformative justice principles, intentionally develop our organizations core DNA to ensure sustainability, and develop Minnesota’s emerging Black leadership to lead powerful campaigns.”
  • Reclaim the Block, which “organizes Minneapolis community and city council members to move money from the police department into other areas of the city’s budget that truly promote community health and safety. We believe health, safety and resiliency exist without police of any kind. We organize around policies that strengthen community-led safety initiatives and reduce reliance on police departments.”
  • Black Lives Matter National

NBPOC too.

I’ve been poking around after reading what you wrote on control z but I haven’t seen much of Alex or the teacher?

Like, online? They’re in the show from the first ep, but the teacher just seems like a regular background adult at first, unless you pick up on this blink or miss it moment:

There’s so much going on and so many characters being introduced in this first ep, I don’t think we’re really meant to realize yet, only in hindsight when it’s revealed on the show.

I prefer Alex/Isabela as a ship, although they’re just friends. The teacher’s barely present, and tbh, Alex doesn’t get that much screentime either, but in the last half, most of it is with Isabela.