Oooh, I found the previous post on this:
Just another WordPress site
Oooh, I found the previous post on this:
in case y’all didn’t see, the Minnesota Freedom Fund is actually good on donations after that massive fundraise yesterday and is directing people to donate to other causes, including Black Visions Collective, Reclaim The Block, and Northstar Health Collective.
Oh, I didn’t think you were, I just grabbed that opportunity to get out some my frustration that’d been piling up. I’m usually ready to be guided by whatever narrative the writers are pushing EXCEPT when it comes to white Nice Guys. I feel like…they already get too much of a pass in general and that translates to laziness and complacency in writing them in media, their development and growth is so shallow compared to what other characters go through. And KM’s no exception. For example, I actually don’t mind Psycho, because he’s treated by the writing exactly as he is, this misogynistic POS, but every time I see people praising KM and talking about how nice he is, I’m like, where.
Although, I gotta say, the more the show’s like, he’s just there because Ivy’s too scared to choose Harley, the less I care either way about him. The way you think he might also have his own realization works for me, especially since they focused so much on how Harley gets Ivy while the ring he wanted so badly for her she didn’t even like. This might be the best way to get out of this wedding with none of the characters hurt too badly.
Oh, what’s she like in the comics? I mentioned before I know very little about these characters (and actually, for reasons too long to go into, I used to dislike the character of Harley until this show) but I like this Ivy! A lot. I like the dryness, the devotion toward and protectiveness over her best friend, the Mermistaness…lol. My first comparison had been Daria, but yeah, Mermista is pretty spot on. Huh, i really wonder what Ivy as you like her would be like in this show.
And omg, the invisible tech. Those poor birds. They didn’t need an invisible van!
Heh, the writers were really happy about that lobster and that whole sequence, huh. I was wondering what the point of the King Shark story was, but of course it was to highlight Ivy making the “safe” choice and settling for KM instead of her soulmate. <3
Oof, yeah, what a downgrade. But I dunno if we’ll get Victor back, not sure the show has anything they want him back for anytime soon, even Nora was pretty underused aside from the surprise of her appearance.
Without the up,^*
Are they saying 5? And not 4? Ohhh. So first it starts because of this:
And this was after their first night, so they have at least one more time from the second night. But tbh, I half thought she was making a joke based on the two-time thing and two-timing, as in, cheating on KM. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
It really was so nicely built! The timing, the situation, the music. 🙂 We were all waiting it for the whole goodbye and then Elida walked away and we were like, awww, maybe in the finale, and then El!
Hey! You weren’t long-winded at all! And yep, it’s straight up Ivy actually considering it and being like nah, I can’t risk it, you could hurt me TOO deeply.
Heh, just as I was like, only one ask this time, huh, the second one came through:
Also while it does still suck for Kite Man that he’s being cheated on I feel like the show could be leading him up to also realize he and Ivy aren’t a perfect fit based on his convo with King Shark. Hoping they let him find the bimbo to his himbo, which I’d be happy with since it wouldn’t completely screw him over in the show but also for the people who wanted him to be with Ivy just because he’s “nice” realize there was a better fit out there for him too and nice isn’t all that matters.
Oh, I don’t care about him so much, I care less than Ivy does. 😛 She didn’t give a single thought to him after cheating on him TWICE.
I never thought he was particularly nice, like even in the last ep, what stopped him from just making the reservation himself? He could have just namedropped Ivy if her bigger reputation was necessary. One thing that has annoyed me about this is that he has actually never been particularly nice or considerate or attentive, he’s just incredibly dumb and that gets translated to nice. I can’t tell if the writers mean for him to come across as harmless or douchey, but I have a particular media pet peeve toward white men who start off shitty (repeatedly approaching her when she’s turning him away, stealing her pheromones, getting naked into her bed uninvited) and then improve marginally and then that’s like, growth that’s supposed to be praised and I have never warmed to him. He is no Heck. But if they wanna palm him off to somebody so people stop focusing on him in this story, I’m all for that.
now that I’m thinking about it, I wonder if the uptick in graphic violence in vagrant queen is related to it getting moved to a later time slot (whether it’s the *reason* for the move, or they just were now able to put it in after the move)
Heh, I laughed at the 9 hours between these.
I think the whole season was shot at once, like, for sure there wasn’t any shooting after the announcement and most likely not much editing either. But maybe, the last few eps have been pretty violent, but weren’t they always, from the start? It was actually a thing I was beginning to dislike, how many side characters were being killed, often graphically, like, how can you get attached to characters when they’re always dying, but I think they’re using the same actors again? I did like that, but that implies there’s gonna be a lot of death as they keep cycling them.
Anyway, I do get your point but I guess I just tune it out to the point of not noticing it now.
I knowww. Boooooooo. For now! Heh. How long are they gonna play this out? I’m genuinely curious how they’re going to spin this to last till the season finale, presumably, when Harley was this open this early.
And honestly, not really. I check in every once in a while for specific storylines but I seem to always lose interest in DCTV shows eventually. But of course I know Avalance, they seem to be written in such a fun way. 🙂