How are you liking this season of KE? I think it def started out slow & it still kind of is? But they’re for sure setting it up. I always thought the “cat and mouse” concept is what made this show great in the 1st season (obvi PWB played a huge part!). 2nd season wasn’t that bad imo, I know controversial opinion, but them being in the same scene together so often didn’t make the show special. I will say the season 2 finale was great again another controversial opinion ?

You asked this last Monday but I think it’s fair to say that the one episode since hasn’t lowered my opinion of a season I’ve been liking. 😛 It definitely did start out oddly slow, I feel like maybe the first ep was missing some musical cues? Or the directing was different? It seemed almost like a regular procedural in a way no other ep has. But the second ep snapped back into place and the third…a classic!

I know there’s been a lot of criticism of the second season but I didn’t mind it. Yeah, it wasn’t as sharp as the first but it’s unfair to punish other writers for not being freaking PWB, a singular talent who is currently regarded as one of the very best dramedy writers. If we compared everyone against her, a whole lot of other media would be at a disadvantage. 

Even a KE without PWB still had those two actors as those two characters and I had a lot of fun. I didn’t mind the finale at all, lol, Villanelle is Villanelle. And come on, 2×05, when they met again, it was intense, and then even when some of the tension drained after that, it remained as much as it could have when they were working together. I thought it was super fun to even bring that about. It was well played, for keeping their dynamic going in a crazy, believable way without jumping the shark. 

I know this isn’t the usual media that is you typically talk about, but have you seen the show Normal People on Hulu/BBC? I watched it over the weekend and it was totally different than what I expected. It was happy and painful, but at the core real and indicative of growing up and experience life and love.

I HAVE heard a lot about it but heh, you’re not wrong, it is the opposite of what I usually watch. Even if it weren’t white and m/f, I prefer my drama filtered through the lens of another genre, so there’s something else to focus on. Pure drama is usually too heavy for me.

i just binged both seasons of sjukt oklar and although i found myself pausing sometimes due to the secondhand embarrassment (ellen really is a mess lol) in the end i still really loved it! if you ever find yourself giffing the show again i know i would really appreciate it

Omg, right! It was hilarious in part because of that but it made for excruciating watching at times. It’s a lot easier the second time because you know when those moments are coming or how bad they don’t end up being. Also, it really helps that as much of a pure unrefined dumbass Ellen can be, Vera just finds it endearing and it all works out.

I’ll definitely try to not let it slip too low on the list!

Can we just talk about how perfect the ending of the episode was? It was so painful and then that switch with the teddy bear heart music from 3×03 that starts and switching from blue sky above death to blue sky where V is. And that turtle neck and touching her neck, the double meaning of it all. I FELT that shit.

It was a great capping off to the whole ep! We were already in shock at Niko and wondering if Eve would really believe Villanelle and done it and what would happen and then here she is, off on her quest. 

I definitely appreciated the maybe even TRIPLE meaning of touching the throat of her turtleneck? The hiccups stopping, yep, the nod to turtleneck-wearing Eve, yep, but happening right on the heels of Niko’s death, that sudden feeling of something truly shifting for Eve and, because of their connection, Villanelle too, I liked them leaving us with that final disquieting little touch.