Hello I’m a new international fan of Juliantina, I’ve watched all episodes of Amar a meurte but I’m confused if the 19 episode Juliantina spin off is a whole different story? I can’t seem to find these videos anywhere, do you know where I’ll be able to watch these 19 full episodes and if english subs are available?

Hey, welcome! I hope you enjoyed them.

Those 19 eps are basically the official re-edit of their scenes only, released here: 


It’s mostly what you’ve already seen but with a few key differences, some scenes are longer or use different takes, a few deleted scenes have been put in, most notably from the finale, so those might be worth a watch. But you’ll need a Mexican VPN to access the site above and it’s not subbed. I’m actually not entirely sure where you can find those extra scenes subbed, but they must be around somewhere… Does anyone know?

Don’t even watch Greys but I wish they got to air all their episodes. Feels like ABC went: ‘oh no Greys? Cool… eff them up Station 19, add some spice’ ?. It was so ridiculous in all ways (junkie,gun,CARCARSH???) I had to pause and laugh at times. I do love Maya but if they make Carina stay without MAJOR action on Maya’s part it’ll be so icky. Her expression/sob at the end with Maya was so shocked/sad :( . Agree that maybe we saw more of Carina’s plot on Greys but guess we’ll never know.

Yes, I would have loved to know if there had been any Maya/Carina on Grey’s that we didn’t get a chance to see. 

It was SO ridiculous. I laughed out loud twice this ep. First, because, like a fool, I was delighted when Andy started going on about her dad and Maya had just left her bed and then kitchen from being forced to think about her dad and it was just a funny, well-done way to tie the two stories together and show Maya how inescapable it all was. The second time was when the thief ran away after getting one man killed, shooting another, gleefully robbing the ambulance, and then getting hit by a car and the PRT crew were just like “…”

I think I’m still on the ship but it really does depend on what happens next and ab-soh-LUTELY, Maya has to put in major effort here. Carina has taken enou–MORE than enough, even before that heartbreaking final scene. Stefania did really well there, though, kudos. (And tbh, for such a sweet person on IG, Danielle does well at coming across as this aggressive hardass.)

So, Carly asked earlier today:

And of course a bunch of people were like, oh, please livetweet 4×10 and include Grace Gummer too and I never thought it’d happen BUT:

hi!! i’m trying to watch juliantina scenes on youtube but they’re all blocked in my country. you said to get the opera browser, and is that an app?? because there’s an opera app but i’m not sure how to change the location on it. do you know any other websites or youtube channels that have the jualitina scenes unblocked? thanks!!

Opera for desktop, I don’t know if there’s a way to change location on the mobile app version. On the desktop version, on the left of the address bar, there should be a way to toggle on the VPN and change the location. Picking Europe or Asia should work.

You can also go to zeroty’s community page, they have links to the full 10 hour compilations on other sites that shouldn’t be blocked:




I actually think maya and jack are endgame, especially after the whole “you know I know you and you hate it” convo

Heh, that line stood out to me too, but I dunno, then he brought up Carina again and the show seems to focus more on their relationship and how Jack is affecting it, not the potential for more Maya/Jack with Carina being an obstacle. I don’t know if this show really has endgames in that sense, like, wouldn’t you have thought Andy and Jack would be endgame? Or Andy and Ryan? I think they play fast and loose with the ships, no real endgame, just whatever serves their purposes for most drama and audience investment (which sometimes drive each other). 

Has ANY ship in either of these shows been written to last and be happy? Even the big ones, MerDer, Calzona, um, the one with Chyler Leigh and that guy from the Last Ship where they both died, wasn’t there cheating and messiness and often, death? More than most shows, the ships seems to be whatever the writers are feeling in that moment. There may be supercouples that come back again and again, and that’s certainly possible, Jack is the longterm character and Carina is a visitor from another show, but I feel like how they’re being written and treated right now doesn’t imply Jack more than Carina. It could change next season, but right now it seems, from both what we see onscreen and behind it, that Carina is the person people are really focusing on.

wasnt sure they were gonna address the dad stuff tbh tot we would get more cute clips. boy was i wrong lmao. annoyed rn not bc they fought, that was actually fine to me thought maya would go overboard and realize that her dad was fucked up/she’s becocming someone shitty. but like u said ‘as soon as Jack came into the office, before the door even closed, I was like, why is this super pointless convo even happening’ SAME. i saw it coming and i was going nooo the whole time!! ugh

No, yeah, I was fine with the fighting, that was part of the arc, right, that made sense, it has to go down before it can go up. I enjoyed it, as upsetting as it was to see poor Carina be treated like that, it was interesting to see their two approaches, Carina not letting go, Maya increasingly unable to cope with that. It felt like it was building to something. But this was just a stupid trope that they resort to all the time that added nothing, only took so much, given how f/f ships are treated. It was just part of Maya’s self-sabotage, something she could have done any other way, except this franchise loves to throw in sex into everything.