I’m selfishly happy that maya and carina are back together but that felt very, very,very, fast and poopy story telling to end a season long storyline.

Lol, yeah, but I’ll take it. I’m as easy as Carina apparently. 😮

It is what it is with this show, that same imbalance between Maya and Carina will exist with Andy and all the other characters and they won’t get that same screentime. At the party at the start when Maya came out to talk to Andy, and Andy was like if it’s to talk about my husband or father, I’m not gonna, and of course that was apparently the only thing they could talk about, it’s not as if Maya’s life was going through its own upheaval? Andy got those slow flashbacks in the season finale and a full arc, and that’s just the show. 

The story with Maya’s dad deserved so much more time, the way the dad suddenly became this villain, I wondered for a second if it was a hallucination because it was SO quick and sudden and such a 180. But I guess that’s that. The Sakura moment was good and I’m honestly kind of glad they had Jack there just to like, cement how platonic their relationship is now. Carina could have made her work harder, but at least it was something. Honestly, like you, I’m selfishly glad we go into the hiatus with them happy.

you might not answer this today, but i gotta ask. for juliantina appreciation week this year, today (day 3) has the theme of “the moment you fell in love with them.” I was wondering if it would be okay for me to reblog one of your gif sets for that? the set you made of them post-car kiss when they look at each other and hold hands is the entire reason i watched the show at all. is it okay to add a comment below it? if not, i’ll just reblog and gush about them in the tags instead :) – songayes

Oh, yeah, absolutely! I know some people don’t like commentary added and that’s entirely their prerogative but I kind of love it! What’s better than seeing something you love gushed about by someone else? Oh, but thanks for asking! But I’m super okay with it in general.

How’s season two of the hockey girls? :) (I don’t mind spoilers)

Hmm, I’m liking it so far, the Florena moments have been great, but we’re only a little past halfway through the season, so there’s a lot of time for drama left. I’d been afraid of a certain plot a few weeks ago but I don’t think it’s going there, so that’s a relief, but based on where they are in this current arc and scenes from the season trailer, seems like there’s major angst coming very soon. 

For Life anon here, I 100% agree with what you said about Anya. I’m hoping if there’s a second season we get more of her because there are little glimpses of her being a supportive wife but then they get swept away so she can be a foil. :(

Yes! They keep on writing her as the foil, which is odd, she’s her wife. I don’t know if there’ll be a second season, this show has seemed to have passed under the radar, but for sure, I’d need to see more of Anya and just, understand what it is that Safiya sees in her, why she keeps forgiving her and giving her chances and thinks she has to make it up to her at times. I don’t think they’re doing an arc where Safiya is trapped in this abusive marriage, so at some point they’ve got tip the balance toward the supportive decent person and not an antagonist.

I know there’s only the finale left but if they’re continuing with Carina and Maya then going forward I wanna see her people on the show too. I watch Greys off and on but I’m caught up and I wannna see her and her brother in a scene on ’19. Talking about their issues. I mean Vic’s basically a Greys regular because of Jackson. And Ben but that makes sense coz he was actually on there so they can let us have this small thing. Otherwise I’m ready for them to relase Carina tbh she’s been through IT

Noooo, I don’t want her released! I love her and don’t want to watch Grey’s. But yeah, of course, ideally we see a lot more of her in and her background in S19, including her brother. Have he and Maya even met? 

And another anon:

I’m staying with S19, but that’s because I genuinely like the show and Maya is still my favorite character. She’s incredibly flawed and very much hurts the people she cares about, but she’s as fascinating as she is frustrating. The Maya/Carina relationship was a bonus for me because I thought the show wanted Maya/Jack. I very much prefer her with Carina but to date the relationship is so one-sided and Carina is almost too perfect. I have a feeling Maya’s world is about to rocked though in 3×16.

Exactly! Well. I don’t always love the show, it’s just so much drama. But I did like it on its own and as long as Maya isn’t with Jack, I’ll watch. That is my true dealbreaker, not even Maya/Carina splitting up. I don’t know if Maya is my favorite in terms of personality (that might actually be Travis), but very early on they revealed she was bi so I’ve always kept an eye out and been interested in her character and sympathetic because of that. And until there was an actual ship and I got invested in her not messing up, it was easier to approach the show as something where people messed up constantly and I didn’t hate them for it. 

I don’t really know why they broke up Maya/Jack, tbh, and maybe the other anon is right and that’ll be the eventual endgame, but for now, I’ll happily accept as much Carina as we can get, and as you said, some more balance and depth. I don’t know how much time there’ll be in the finale but I can’t imagine there’ll be room for much except a flat breakup. Surely whatever’ll happen Maya has to expect? And it’s such a packed episode description, if it hadn’t been for Stefania in the cast list, I wouldn’t even have thought she’d be in it. I’ll continue my finale introspection below.

And another anon:

I know it’s hard to even speculate after what happened this week, but how do you think things are going to go down in the s19 finale? And as a part 2, how do you want them to go down since both will probably be different answers haha

Hmm, based on the preview and summary and full cast list, and the fact that it’s a season finale, I expect very little for them. I discussed a whole bunch of extremely varying outcomes with my friend, from “I don’t want Maya to be the one to get hurt and Carina is all worried and forgives her because that skips over all the work Maya has to do” to “I don’t want Maya to get hurt and DIE because Danielle cut her hair so drastically before quarantine even started so does that mean she won’t be on next season” but lol, I don’t think it’ll be either of those. 

I think they’ll mostly be separated into their actual jobs, Maya as captain and Carina off in Grey’s doing whatever. Although I dunno why an OB/GYN is needed when–oh, right, this was one of their full crossover events, so it’s basically two hours of both shows mixed together and we’ll be missing an important chunk of what would have been shown during Grey’s. So it’s not even going to get its proper resolution, unless they truly would not have been in the Grey’s ep. Damn. Well, maybe we can hope Maya’s part was written to be resolved during S19 and Grey’s would have been the medical doctory stuff and not much on the personal drama. I think we’ll probably see something like her reading a text from Carina or trying to write one and then maybe it’ll end with her going to her dad’s or mom’s and we’ll be left to wonder with what motive?

What I WANT is Maya going to therapy, talking things out, making up with her mom, and then of groveling to Carina for half an hour and admitting all the ways Carina’s been right and how very sorry she is and what she’s doing to change and then in a parallel of 3×07, when she was mean about the lasagna, offering Carina an out which Carina doesn’t take.

I don’t know if you watched private practice but the Maya Carina stuff reminds me of the Charlotte Cooper stuff. Charlotte self sabotaged like Maya. In one scene Charlotte busts into cooper’s office and just blurts out that she cheated on him to purposely hurt him and then tries to walk away. Cooper stops her and says “you can’t just say that and walk away. You purposely did this so I would have to break up with you but it won’t work” and says that this is the last mistake she’s allowed to make

And another anon:

After the last Station 19 episode, Maya and Carina are now kind of reminding me of another Shondaland couple: Cooper and Charlotte from Private Practice. Cooper and Carina are the “kind and caring” characters while Maya and Charlotte are the “broken” ones. Fingers crossed that Maya and Carina will have the same conclusion to the relationship.

Oh, huh. I know very little about Private Practice and in fact had completely forgotten it existed, so I kept on thinking it was just Grey’s and S19 (and the last spinoff, my favorite, where Cristina Yang goes to Europe to work for MI6 and falls in love with a Russian assassin) and was still like, this franchise is super messy, we can’t have high expectations. I’d forgotten this whole new set of messy data points. 

Um, hmm, the fact that they already did self-sabotage through self-sabotage and had the cheated on party not break up doesn’t give me hope for that here, since they most likely won’t repeat a plot. Although obviously what happens from here on isn’t even so much on Carina as it is Maya getting some goddamned help and making amends. In terms of an ending, it IS encouraging that it isn’t seen as a long-term relationship-ender and at the moment, I think it’s wide open what could happen.

And another anon:

All those couples were still endgame despite all the problems. Merder only wasn’t because derek died, Arizona ended up going to new york for callie, mark lexie again couldn’t bc of death, but there’s always still an endgame for the most part. I dont see the show putting their characters longterm with someone who isnt a regular. Love to be wrong so we’ll see. Hopefully they dont throw away the chemistry

Heh, I don’t know if you can use “only” when the person dies. Although, I do get your point, but still, those couples all went through just as much mess as Carina and Maya. Or more to the point, I don’t really see Maya and Jack being treated that way, at no point during the weeks until this did we see Jack being jealous or even reacting to Maya and Carina, he’s been far more about Andy, and even with that “I know you better than anyone” line the whole conversation was to get them to sleep together so Maya could throw that in Carina’s face and that’s what we ended on. I think it’s up in the air, tbh, no endgame locked in for either of them and maybe not even a super concrete plot for a next season that looks very distant right now.