OMGGGG!!! Harley and Ivy!!!! I was SO EXCITED when I found the show and then I started it and it was all joker-centric ivy seemed just a friend and I became meh about it and left it to the side as sumn I’ll watch when I’m bored but!!!!! Ivy and Harley!! The way every Harley story should be lmao imma continue now

Full disclosure, I didn’t want to watch it at all at first, I’d dismissed it as an adult cartoon deliberately trying to be as nerdbro edgelord as possible. But my friend watched it and loved it and was like, no, it’s not like that, well, it is violent and crass and that takes getting some used to, but it’s oddly hopeful in its messaging. And she LOVES Ivy and really shipped them and the writers basically admitted they were going there so I thought I’d give it a try.

The first season does have a lot of the Joker but in the sense that he’s awful and Harley should stay away from him, which, I’m fine with that. And like, I’ve shipped friends with less subtext than Harley and Ivy, and I don’t mind a slow build at all, I prefer it, if anything. They are the center of the show, no doubt. So even with freaking Kite guy, I’ve been pretty excited about this once I started catching up and now it’s finally here.

Do you think gina will ever come back?

I dunno, I wouldn’t have expected it, her character’s better off away from this, surely. I don’t think any kind of Lorena/Gina revisit is on the cards but she might return as one last obstacle to Lorena/Flor. What else could her role be, right. Or maybe not even an obstacle, but someone who helps reunite them, if things do go south again. But no, if I had to guess, that character’s done.

My mom while watching the For Life finale: She doesn’t deserve her Me: you’re not wrong

I mean…. God. I don’t know wtf they’re doing with them, tbh. Why would you cast Mary Stuart Masterson and then be like, you’re gonna be this underused dickish character. Why would you write that for your first season, how is that the place you’re choosing to START from? I don’t know what’s going on there but I’m pretty disappointed with how that all worked out, considering the actors and the potential of these characters.

Do you have the whole clip of Danielle and Stefania live stream for the final ep. I’ve missed it and I can’t find it anywhere ?


Yep, people are actually pretty good about uploading lives involving the Grey’s/S19 cast, you can see their earlier ones if you search on Youtube.

Hi, I’m thinking of watching Katy Keene because Julia Chan, but I read it’s a spin off of Riverdale, on the cw and a berlanti production, so I’m very wary. Can you tell me if the show is any good? Love your blog, thank you for all your gifs and for keeping us on top of all things femslash :)

Thanks, I try. 🙂

Honestly, no, I think it’s kind of not great. I would not watch it for her unless you suuuuper love her and are tired of rewatching the Lintz arc or something. Having said that, I haven’t watched the last three eps yet so maybe it dramatically improves. It’s not the Riverdale-ness that’s weird, the show itself is this mawkish faux period piece that doesn’t really pull off what it’s attempting, but maybe there’s something to be said for the effort. It’s plain drama, by the way, no weird Riverdale stuff. And the characters are all in their twenties, nobody pretending to be in high school.

But yeah, if it’s just for her, aside from getting to hear her actual British accent, she is probably the least focused on character in the main bunch. She is bi and has female partners (and male) but it’s…  ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I definitely do agree that the story like of mayas dad felt rushed, and carina took her back way too easily but there’s a part of me that feels like we missed so much because they had to cut scenes that crossed into greys. Like greys didn’t finish filming their season before covid stopped production, and they luckily were at a point where they had a decent season finale but there was still so much crossover the last several weeks, I’m curious how it would have ended if greys did at the same time

Oh, huh, that’s a really good point. You’d think this would have come up in at least one of the last three Grey’s eps that would have aired? Like, would Carina have just been doing her thing while being brutally broken up with? Maybe, maybe. Actually, just the two eps, since one would have aired after, and I doubt we’d have seen any of them being happy. We should just consider ourselves lucky they did the happy ending on Station 19′s time. 

I don’t know, I feel like we should keep Carina, Grey’s barely uses her. Even this last scene with Teddy, Carina had to explain the whole awfulness of it to her right there, so they couldn’t have talked about it before. Maybe she mentioned it to her brother… But like, what could they have shown that would have made up for how much was missed? Carina was as angry as she deserved to be at the start of Maya’s apology.

I’m SO done with this show. For ONE second I was happy to see Carina being so mad at Maya and then Teddy, the woman who cheated on her future husband (because Marina stans forgot this detail), had the fucking audacity to tell to Carina to forgive Maya ??????? Nah fuck this show, Rick Shonda & Krista, fuck Teddy, fuck Maya. It’s just fucking bullshit !!! I just can’t believe that they made Carina as someone who forgives too soon… They just destroyed her. I’m done.

Oh, lol, I absolutely remembered Teddy’d had her whole cheating mess and this all was most likely about HER wanting to be forgiven and I guess Owen hasn’t yettt. 

But I mean, yeah, fair points, anon, as Stefania mentioned in the live, she would not have forgiven Maya that quickly and hopefully there’s a lot of making up in the next season, but for me, I guess the alternative was heading into a really long hiatus with them not being together, and I prefer this. 😡 And I just don’t think they’d EVER have given them the time they deserved. With the timeline they had, they should have done this all even earlier, I’m glad they actually had Maya come to the realization about her dad. And I mean, I guess I’d prefer someone forgive too easily, that’s not at all a flaw in Carina for me. But I get it, and maybe this franchise isn’t for you and that’s fine, there’s other stuff around.