Amae’s little smile last night when she figured out her feelings for Elida though! And when she was talking to Issac about it. My heart!!
I knowww! That was what I wanted to gif! I remember during that ep where they were talking by the campfire and there was a Mood but then Amae went off with some lady and we were like, okay, okay, Amae still has a ways to go and now she HAS. Gotta gif it.
Hello! I was just wondering if you stopped watching Vagrant Queen. We may get some good scenes between Amae and Elida in episode 8! I found out about this series thanks to you btw, so thank you :)
Hi! No, I’m still watching, and awesome, I hope you’re liking it. I was actually planning to do a scene from last night’s ep next. It’s just so inconvenient now, Thursday 11pm, that’s so late at night, and Thursday’s when I’m already flailing over Marina and then Friday morning brings the onslaught of new media. But I’ve also just not had anything I particularly wanted to do from the previous couple of eps, so there’s that too.