Thank god the girls are good actors to make up for the bad writing in Shondaland
Hahaha, yeah, pretty much. They have to do a LOT of heavy lifting. If it weren’t for their bonkers chemistry, I don’t know how many of us would have stuck past 3×15.
And another anon:
I liked what happened with Maya and Carina even if it was really easy for Carina to forgive Maya. I feel like they can work on their communication and what comes of this next season, but I for one am happy to be going in to an indefinite hiatus on a high note. Sometimes I just want characters to be happy and for forgiveness to be easy so I’ll take it. On another note, Stef and Danielle’s live was beyond adorable.
Yeah, I really do hope that with the extra time they’re getting, they’ll write something for them that continues from this, where Maya’s trying to be more open and aware she has to make up things to Carina and not just being her usual hardass self as if they’ve skipped past all that.
I LOVE that we’re going into this happy, now I can keep making all the gifsets I had planned, and that wasn’t at all guaranteed after 3×15!
Their live was an absolute balm after the whole rollercoaster of a week. 🙂
And another anon:
people getting mad at station 19 for what happened with maya and carina: yeah i get it of course i do, it’s not great, however this is the same shit shondaland has been pulling for over FIFTEEN YEARS. tbh if the season hadn’t ended this way i would’ve been concerned. i can’t believe no one died like holy hell like we should be preparing for next season to be way worse bc season 4 of greys was when they started killing off mains
Right, I really don’t love it, but part of what made me still willing to see where it went after 3×15 was because this was just such a common thing they did for everything. And nooo, S19 already killed off Rigo, Ryan, and Pruitt, like, please, after this year, on the show and off, we don’t want more deaths. :<
And another anon:
I enjoy how sweet they are and also am a little bit in love with Stefania so I’m happy she’s sticking around. My perfect finale would have had Maya go to the hospital after the shit with her dad willing and ready to talk but have Carina too pissed to really want to hear her out. And they end it on a cliffy, where Maya is groveling. Because I’m still salty. Also Jack should have apologised as well like dude you totally took advantage of the situation come on! What would you have liked to see?
Jack should have apologized too, yes, though I don’t really see it as taking advantage in like, a predatory way, but just, he was a bad friend, aside from again sleeping with someone else’s partner. He knew exactly why Maya changed the convo to sex and he just went with it, helping her to wreck her relationship and do exactly what he’d just pointed out she was doing, shutting out her partners. Honestly, it undid a lot of his journey. I absolutely grant that growth is not a smooth trajectory, you can backslide after progress, but RIGHT after Miller forgave him because he was trying, he went and did this, and sure it happened because he’s still messed up but then he didn’t show the slightest bit of guilt when he went back to hang out with Miller after.
While I think Maya should have groveled for longer, I absolutely wouldn’t have wanted this to end on a cliffhanger, and instead, would have moved the timeline backward, so the cheating happened 3×14 and 3×15 was the realization and groveling and 3×16 was Carina taking her back. 😛 Or at least give Carina two different scenes in the finale, one to air her grievances and not as she’s forgiving Maya. But tbh, I’m still okay with this.
And another anon:
I’m going to say it. The actress Carina deserves better. Bye. (And by ‘deserves better I mean this terrible thing called Grey’s Anatomy writing… Can she go across the pond and meet fellow Christina Yang aka Eve Polastri and have herself because her own Villanelle.?)
She does, but they all do. If we got to wish for whatever we wanted, I’d want both Stefania and Danielle to get writing that fit their chemistry. I don’t know that she’d be treated better in a KE situation, heh, she has great hair, so that means at some point she’ll be shot and left to die. Is that better??
And another anon:
The most recent danielle/Stefania live was a lot. Well they’ve all been a lot, but this one was especially lovely. They’re so cute together. It’s nice when the actors playing love interests genuinely like each other and like working together and understand how important their onscreen relationship is to people. You can hear it in the way they talk about their characters. I’m not expecting much for them next season being on separate shows, but hopefully that also means less relationship drama lol
Haha, yeah, remember when we were like, they only get 30 seconds every ep but at least it’s a cute 30 seconds. And yesss, their lives are all adorable and this one was especially great to watch, kind of freeing the tension that’d been building up, this fun celebration of the ship and fandom and each other. They just seem smart, nice people and that came across, like, Danielle’s guiding of the live and Stefania’s insights.
Yeahhh, I dunno what we can get next season, this was probably a “lot” for Maya’s story so she’ll be on the backburner for a while. But at least she’s still captain! Who knows what’s gonna happen with that since Sullivan, who’d made the selection, is now in this situation. But I absolutely hope that a lot of their time will be devoted to Carina and HER storyline now.
Speaking for myself, I don’t mind when people add comments or opinions to my gifsets. Even if that’s critical or negative – as long as it isn’t bigoted. (I’ve blocked my fair share of racists and homophobes.)
Often, the visuals of gifs are a good springboard for people’s commentary about a piece of media or a storyline. I’ve always personally considered it a natural branch of fandom engagement on tumblr. Occasionally it’s even interesting to read, even if I vehemently disagree.
That said, I certainly respect other giffers and creators who feel otherwise, who dislike unsolicited negative opinions. I understand why they do, especially in fandoms where personal attacks and vicious opposition are commonplace. And people can be entitled. Either way their wishes should be respected.
I just wanted to “new post/text” my personal feelings on the matter, to let people know they can pour their heart out on gifsets I make.
what do you make of them having maya say that her dad made her ruin one of the best relationships she ever had and jack saying an apology goes a long way and then she says ‘im sorry’ to jack?
Oh, I absolutely took it as both of them talking about Carina as the best relationship but once Jack pointed that the effectiveness of an apology, Maya’s mind really started turning that over, apologizing to people you’d wronged, and realized Jack was one of them.
I mean, I don’t love the guy, but he was unceremoniously dumped and the cheating sex was absolutely about her using him to do something (dumb) in the relationship she was actually focused on. So that was an acknowledgment she was listening to him now, both an apology and gratitude for him being supportive. Like, not once, not even in the moment when watching live, did I think it was them talking about their relationship. It’s just not what the writing this season supported. It was all about Maya learning to let someone in and that someone being specifically Carina with her unconditional understanding support and the dramatic apology immediately after proved that.
Teddy begging on Maya’s behalf to take her back KILLED ME !! Like, of couse you think so. I mean I’m sure Carina knows the whole story there but still, relationship advice? From the Cheater in Charge? Legitimately made me and my best friend giggle. I’m meh about how they got back together, but the actresses sold it for sure. And I’m super happy they made it clear Maya and Jack are platonic and the sex didn’t like, awaken anything in Jack. Well, not yet. I know how Greys Cinematic Universe is.
Haha, right, of course she was gonna say that, but that was absolutely part of the fun, that the character everyone knows is in the doghouse for her own wedding day shenanigans was like, “oh, just forgive her :))))”. I’m sure Carina knew about it but she wanted to forgive Maya anyway, so.
It wasn’t great, at all, and it sucks that sometimes we just have to be like, god, fine, but still…it IS fine. It was a pretty tropey ending for them, including Jack even encouraging her to go after Carina. But lol, yeah, “not yet”. Probably when he and Andy are together again at some point and solid and Maya and Carina are like, engaged, this franchise will be like, you know what would be fun?
as sloppy as that was, (maya and carina) the show is just like that when it comes to relationships. especially ones that don’t include andy lol(but also: sullivan wtf) rewatching from s1 and andy/jack/ryan was total whiplash and such a mess! at least we got to see this happen & not have to make do with just a passing reference in the s4 premiere yk? think the doctor egging it on made the scene for me lol. and carina is so hot to me but i will never watch greys so this is a win for me, im weak?
I love how you realize as you’re writing that Andy isn’t an exception when it comes to relationship writing on this show at all. It IS so messy, and like, as much as people might be pissed at how Marina ended the season, look at poor Sullivan, in pain and alone and wrong in thinking he could count on Andy at this time. You never know with this show, after they set up the two of them as really liking each other and being supportive, they started tearing them apart just as quickly and now are people supposed to want Andy and Jack? I don’t know.
But absolutely, I’m glad we actually got to see the moment, that it wasn’t left for s4 or even the Grey’s ep that wasn’t shot, lol. I’m actually really warmed by the media that was made before covid hit where they decided to end on a hopeful note, like, it wasn’t because they were influenced to, it was just what they wanted. Not to say that I will at all reject or judge those who’ll make kinder media because of this, I’ll take it any which way. But it’s just nice to have this gentle media in this time because people had already decided that’s what they wanted to create.
And absolutely, I’d much prefer Carina stay on S19, unless she and Maya have meaty stuff on Grey’s. They’re so isolated, neither has talked to anybody else from either show. That’s wild. I hope the writers take this chance to really think on these storylines and the fact that whatever they’d planned for Grey’s finale arc now can be done differently and do something that incorporates both, specifically, having Maya be there to support Carina.
i stopped watching station 19 because i hated andy’s dad, he’s just SO condescending but since i know he’s no longer in the show ive been catching up. and watching back, idk maybe im just reading into or if it’s the acting or if it’s because in s1 especially maya’s basically andy’s cheerleader and its kinda onesided. ik the pining gay bestie trope is dated plus abc wouldn’t i dont think. anyway now it seems like she’s a little jealous of andy. i wish they would be friends again either way
Yeah, I hated him sometimes, then was okay with him. I think you just have to accept S19′s writing swings back and forth like that, whatever’s…convenient.
You know, everyone keeps talking about Danielle and Stefania’s chemistry, for good reason, there’s something really special, but Danielle also has this intense gaze in general, at least as Maya, and given that a lot of her scenes are with Andy, and Maya is either supportive in her intense way or bickering in an intense way, that might have helped how you were reading them. I certainly shipped them for a bit, heh.

But yeah, I don’t think they’d ever go there. But the good news is that they ARE friends now again. 🙂
I am so pissed at station19 i think we all understand like you said that these shows thrive on drama and there is basically no endgame, but using that stupid trope again from Shonda and her team is beyond stupid. these people need to get called out to hell and back for their homophobia, have them fight hell break up but why go there?
Sorry for not answering this earlier! Since you sent it, a whole week’s passed and the finale’s aired, but still, I did want to specifically the accusation of homophobia. I can see both sides of that. On the one hand, I didn’t take it that way because this just what these shows do, with everyone. And Maya is bi, she might cheat with a woman OR a man, that’s not the issue.
But as much as I can believe that, for once, this is a show where Maya might have slept with some random woman in a bar just to hurt Carina, while THAT is “equal” to how they handle all their stories, they didn’t actually do that, and Carina and Maya’s screentime and story until now has always been somewhat limited compared to the others. As Danielle pointed out in the live, we’ve literally never seen Carina talk to any of the other firefighters, and she gets the benefit of being a Grey’s character! Even putting aside Andy’s exceptional main character treatment, Ripley and Emmett and Grant and JJ, firefighter or not, all have hung around and at least talked to other characters.
Not to mention, even if this wasn’t a homophobic trope specifically, an argument for it being biphobic could be made, since once again they have a bi character cheating. It’s not equal treatment if the characters aren’t in equal situations. It’s understandable if you’re put off by the show now.