Lol, yeah, but I’ll take it. I’m as easy as Carina apparently. 😮
It is what it is with this show, that same imbalance between Maya and Carina will exist with Andy and all the other characters and they won’t get that same screentime. At the party at the start when Maya came out to talk to Andy, and Andy was like if it’s to talk about my husband or father, I’m not gonna, and of course that was apparently the only thing they could talk about, it’s not as if Maya’s life was going through its own upheaval? Andy got those slow flashbacks in the season finale and a full arc, and that’s just the show.
The story with Maya’s dad deserved so much more time, the way the dad suddenly became this villain, I wondered for a second if it was a hallucination because it was SO quick and sudden and such a 180. But I guess that’s that. The Sakura moment was good and I’m honestly kind of glad they had Jack there just to like, cement how platonic their relationship is now. Carina could have made her work harder, but at least it was something. Honestly, like you, I’m selfishly glad we go into the hiatus with them happy.