Do you think Carina was too forcefully in trying to get Maya to see her father was abusive?

Huh. You know, that’s interesting. I mean, obviously, Maya was sooooo far out of line and the one in the wrong there, that’s without question, and in fact, the “too” implies that Carina in ANY way caused what happened, so in that sense, no, not at all. 

But if we’re just looking at that day, taking away Maya’s actions altogether, let’s pretend she walked away angry and had a run and then came back to an empty house and that was that. So if we just look at Carina’s behavior where she kept pressing after Maya showed how uncomfortable she was, actually, as a matter of fact, I’d been trying to think of how Maya should have handled it? What more should she have said or done? She told Carina in pretty clear terms to drop the subject, repeatedly. She even told Carina to leave the house and she wouldn’t. There was no immediate threat to Maya that this needed to be addressed right then. So maybe Carina should have dropped it for the time being, not bringing it up in the kitchen once it’d already been halted in bed. 

BUT, on the other hand, clearly Carina had waited since the last time! And their relationship, from the very first second, has been a series of Maya initially reluctant to do something that Carina suggested super gently and eventually listening and being SO much happier for it (ironically, I was going to make a gifset of those moments >_<). So there’s no reason to think that wouldn’t be the case here, where not only Maya but her mom, another victim, were suffering until this could start to be processed. And of course it helps that we have perfect knowledge because this is fiction, we know that Maya was getting upset not because Carina was violating her boundaries but because she was getting too close to the truth, we know that Carina wasn’t bringing this up for some power trip, she just wanted Maya to be healthy and happy. 

Ultimately, this is just an exercise in debate, going back and forth, if Maya hadn’t escalated the situation like that, there could have been an argument that Carina was starting to push it a bit far, like, if you’d seen just until the kitchen argument, you might have thought, all right, let it go. But Maya went nuclear without warning, and so none of the rest matters. Whatever she’d already tried, there were still steps before this.