do u think Vera loves her job? for someone who lives by appearances, the fashion world can be a good refuge

Hmm, that’s a interesting question. I think she is genuinely interested in it and, as you said, she’s so image-conscious it works out well. But is that what’s best for her? The Vera we saw at the beginning wasn’t happy at all but worse, she took it out on her coworkers. That wasn’t a person who loved her job. But that’s more to do with her, I guess, she’d be like that anywhere.

If you keep her interest and eye for it, and if she changes how she approaches people, she could come to love it. Even though her coworkers justifiably called her out for her bullying, they still seemed shallow and self-involved and I think she genuinely likes all that, the affectations, expensive things, the one upmanship. She even loved those blouses they bought. As long as she’s not hurting people, I think that is still the world for her. She’s not going to come of this so different she’s going to become, like, a social worker.